Flagler Patriots, Do you think the Congress should give the - TopicsExpress


Flagler Patriots, Do you think the Congress should give the president $3.8 billion to transport the children coming over our borders into our neighborhoods? If not take action below. Joe Kubasky July 8, 2014 Following criticism from the amnesty crowd, President Obama has retreated on sending unaccompanied illegal children back to their home country. However, the President is making a $3.8 billion emergency supplemental request to Congress to help manage the problem instead of working to stop it. The emergency funding would go to several federal agencies, including the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, State, and Health and Human Services for more immigration judges, additional housing facilities and border patrols agents. We are not surprised that the President is backing down from a tougher immigration policy; after all, his refusal to enforce existing laws and his promises of amnesty are the primary reason that thousands of Central Americans are trying their luck at the border, despite its dangers. Additionally, regarding the unaccompanied minors, the William Wilberforce Act of 2008 requires that minors from non-contiguous countries be transferred into the custody of HHS instead of being expeditiously deported back to their country of origin. The bill was first introduced by former Senator Joe Biden and then pushed by Senator Dianne Feinstein, swiftly passing through the House and Senate in a 24-hour period during a lame duck session of Congress in 2008. This law prevents swift deportations and has led to crowded, unsafe conditions at the holding facilities. The Congress must demand that this law be changed so that illegal children from non-contiguous countries are treated the same as illegal children from Mexico and Canada. This change in the law is the most critical demand because it will likely stop the influx of illegal children and families. Supposedly, the Administration will be requesting this change separately, but this change should be made before the Presidents funding is considered. The Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled for a full committee hearing on Thursday of this week. The House Appropriations Committee hearing has yet to be set. President Obama should not receive any funding until the following conditions are met: • The 2008 law should be changed so that unaccompanied minors, regardless of their home country, are all treated the same way. This means that they are quickly interviewed by Border Patrol officers in order to determine if they can claim credible fear in their home country, and if they cannot, they are quickly and humanely repatriated. Then, through the Appropriations process, these conditions should be written into law: • No foreign aid will be sent to the sending countries until they agree to take back their citizens; and • All extra domestic money should go to the Border Patrol and ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations to detain, process, and remove the illegal crossers. Emergency supplemental funding should NOT go to: the Department of Health and Human Services to warehouse illegals; to any agency to transport the illegals around the U.S.; and certainly not to the charities paid to resettle refugees across the nation. Please email your Congressman and Senators immediately, and demand they make these conditions for funding. If your Member is on the Appropriations Committee, see below for their phone number and please call them. Senate Appropriations Committee (Republicans) Richard C. Shelby, Ranking Member (AL) - (202)-224-5744 Thad Cochran (MS) - (202)-224-5054 Mitch McConnell (KY) - (202)-224-2541 Lamar Alexander (TN) - (202)-224-4944 Susan Collins (ME) - (202)-224-2523 Lisa Murkowski (AK) - (202)-224-6665 Lindsey Graham (SC) - (202)-224-5972 Mark S. Kirk (IL) - (202)-224-2854 Dan Coats (IN) - (202)-224-5623 Roy Blunt (MO) - (202)-224-5721 Jerry Moran (KS) - (202)-224-6521 John Hoeven (ND) - (202)-224-2551 Mike Johanns (NE) - (202)-224-4224 John Boozman (AR) - (202)-224-4843 House Appropriations Committee (Republicans) Chairman Hal Rogers (KY) - (202)-225-4601 Frank R. Wolf (VA) - (202)-225-5136 Jack Kingston (GA) - (202)-225-5831 Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ) - (202)-225-5034 Tom Latham (IA) - (202)-225-5476 Robert B. Aderholt (AL) - (202)-225-4876 Kay Granger (TX) - (202)-225-5071 Mike Simpson (ID) - (202)-225-5531 John Culberson (TX) - (202)-225-2571 Ander Crenshaw (FL) - (202)-225-2501 John Carter (TX) - (202)-225-3864 Ken Calvert (CA) - (202)-225-1986 Tom Cole (OK) - (202)-225-6165 Mario Diaz-Balart (FL) - (202)-225-4211 Charlie Dent (PA) - (202)-225-6411 Tom Graves (GA) - (202)-225-5211 Kevin Yoder (KS) - (202)-225-2865 Steve Womack (AR) - (202)-225-4301 Alan Nunnelee (MS) - (202)-225-4306 Jeff Fortenberry (NE) - (202)-225-4806 Tom Rooney (FL) - (202)-225-5792 Chuck Fleischmann (TN) - (202)-225-3271 Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA) - (202)-225-3536 David Joyce (OH) - (202)-225-5731 David G. Valadao (CA) - (202)-225-4695 Andy Harris (MD) - (202)-225-5311 Martha Roby (AL) - (202)-225-2901 Mark Amodei (NV) - 202-225-6155 PLEASE SHARE AND ASK OTHERS TO DO THE SAME!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 17:44:05 +0000

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