Flame Gazing: Light a candle and place it on a small table - TopicsExpress


Flame Gazing: Light a candle and place it on a small table around 3 to 4 feet in front of you. Sit in a comfortable posture with the spine upright and the arms and shoulders relaxed. You can assume any meditative posture which you can maintain without any movement for the duration of the practice. Make sure that the flame is at the level of your eyes. Also, make sure that you are facing the candle directly without having to turn the neck even slightly. It is important that the flame remains steady during the concentration routine. So, make sure that there no breeze around of any kind to disturb the flame. If needed, turn off any fans or air conditioner in the room. Take a few deep breaths to relax. Close the eyes and watch your breath as you inhale and exhale for about five to seven breaths. This will allow the breath to settle down and bring you into the present moment. Now, gaze at the flame intently and keep your gaze on it without getting distracted towards outer disturbances and thoughts. Keep your vision focused and steady on the flame without blinking, for as long as it is comfortable to you. Try to avoid any kind of body movement during the entire practice. Keep your gaze anchored on some part of the flame, rather than the candle or wick. If thoughts come up in the mind, just become aware of them and then ignore them. Try to maintain your awareness and focus on the flame. Continue to gaze at the flame until you cannot keep your eyes open and tears start flowing. Once this happens, close your eyes. When you close the eyes, you may be able to visualize an after-image of the flame with closed eyes. Try to bring this image at the point between the eyebrows at the center of the forehead (the third eye location). The depth and level of your concentration will determine how clear the after-image is. If you cannot visualize the after-image of the flame with closed eyes, or it wavers constantly or looses clarity, then re-apply your concentration to restore the position of the after-image. When the image begins to fade out completely, bring your awareness back to your breathing and begin to watch the flow of breath at the tip of the nose for about 7 to 8 breaths. You can open your eyes at this point and repeat the full gazing routine as given above one more time. - yogawithsubhash/2012/04/03/trataka-candle-gazing-cleansing-technique/
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 14:21:50 +0000

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