Flashback 1986 Asked to Be Removed from TheDC - We Complied - TopicsExpress


Flashback 1986 Asked to Be Removed from TheDC - We Complied Editors Note We are sad to announce that the writer Asish Yakso Subba whose stories we were sharing so far via our special series on Gorkhaland agitation has decided to not puplish his stories on our platform anymore. He informed us that he got a call from some Mr. Siddhant Limbu of Ghoom (apparently a regular reader and follower of TheDC according to Mr. Subba) who is an acquaintence/friend of Mr. Subba, telling him to stop publishing his stories, because of which Mr. Subba requested us to not only stop publishing more stories, but also to remove all the stories we have published on our platform so far. When we requested Mr. Subba to share the reason given by Mr. Limbu for stoping the publications, he said he did not know, instead he questioned our translated version and repeatedly asked us if we were translating exactly the same way he had written or not? We assured him we had done so, yet he wasnt convinced and said he couldnt be sure as he hadnt checked our translated version in the past two days. Funny thing is he had sent us a congratulatory note the day before, thanking our team for the excellent translation of his work we had undertaken. In addition, we are also aware that he did check the translated work he claimed to have not checked as he had commented on it, and which he had later removed, but being admin we still get access to removed comments, which perhaps he is unaware of. Sadly we had to inform Mr. Subba that it was his right to pull off the story if he so wanted, but he did not have any right to blame our translation or translating abilities, and cite it as a reason for pulling out his stories. We also had to inform him that we have thousand such stories waiting to be told, to which he took offense. Not sure for what, but we apologize if we hurt his writers ego by stating the fact. However, we want Mr. Subba to know that by the term thousand such stories waiting to be told, we didnt mean to demean his writing style, which is very rich and polished. We simply meant that we literally have thousands of stories from Andolan days that need to be digitized and told/shared with the world. We thank Mr. Ashish Yakso Subba for sharing the stories till today and wish him luck in his writing career in the coming days. He will attain writing greatness of that we are confident, and are a little sorry to see our association with him last only this long. We also thank our regular reader Mr. Siddhant Limbu for your concern filled call to Mr. Subba, which is now responsible for stopping a good story from being told. With friends like you Sir, who needs an enemy? May be you do have your reasons, and we would be most obliged if you could share the same via message to us or for the sake of transparency write your concerns in the comments section below. TheDC will continue to publish other Andolan related stories and we request our readers to send us their experiences, as it is high time we REFUSED TO GIVE IN TO THE BULLIES and record all the atrocities faced by Gorkhalis so far in digital format. TheDC stands proud and tall and fiercely immune to pressure tactics and looks forward to your continued love, support and cooperation. Thank you
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 11:28:05 +0000

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