Flashback: An Independent Analysis by an Observer of - TopicsExpress


Flashback: An Independent Analysis by an Observer of Barotseland’s Independence Quest After the Failed Barotse Treason Trial Dear Editor, This was my candid analysis after Hon Sinyinda’s release from detention, last year. I did not send it to you or publish it on my official Facebook page because I perceived that more truth about our big man was yet to be known. So please, if you deem it worthy sharing, can you please, go ahead and publish it as I think it is more true now than even then. Kozo. Barotseland Citizen. Title: WHERE WILL HON. SINYINDA THRUST HIS STRENGTH OR EFFORT NOW THAT HE IS OUT OF DETENTION? When Hon. Sinyinda was arrested and detained for his participation in the BNC 2012 proceedings many Barotzis wondered why he had been arrested a year after the BNC ,an event that had taken place under their sanction/permission and Government was well represented. Coincidentally, Hon Sinyinda on 24th September 2013 was arrested for having participated in an event that took place a year earlier Remembering also that this was the same time when the Zambia government had embarked on arresting spree, a month earlier, of Barotzis who were celebrating the swearing in of the administrator General of Barotseland. Indeed, Hon Sinyinda, in his capacity as Ngambela, presided over the BNC 2012 at which the decision to accept the legal implications of the effects of the abrogation of BA64 by Zambia was made, and the subsequent need to move on as Barotseland had emerged as the way forward. Hon. Siyanda’s effort to pursue the mandate given to him and the technical committee by the BNC was allegedly frustrated not by the activists but by the very institution that made him Ngambela, the BRE, and as such he resigned and opted to join the rank and file of Barotse activists. He later announced the formation of the Barotse National Freedom alliance, an organization that sought to unify all activists groups. However, even after forming the BNFA he was not arrested and instead his organization received good media coverage even in Zambian media houses that normally demonizes other activists’ organizations. It is, therefore, not until the events and the aftermath of the 14th August 2013, when Afumba took oath of office as Administrator general of Barotseland, that the Zambian government recalled and realized the significant of BNC 2012, and the key role that Hon.Sinyinda played during that mammoth meeting. On that material day, Linyungandambo, one of the activists organization that pressured the BRE to go for BNC, an event that first saw the need to have a Ngambela and subsequent appointment of Hon Sinyinda, had sworn in RT. Hon. Afumba Mombotwa as the Administrator General of Barotseland and subsequently assumed duties to protect and defend the sovereignty of Barotseland. It was only then that Hon. Sinyinda was seen as a good candidate for arrest. But before he was arrested and detained, Hon.Sinyinda issued a press statement on 23rd August 2013, in which he disowned and dissociated his BNFA from the transitional government of Barotseland. It is true that the events of August 14th may have taken many people by surprise but to candid followers of the activist’s movement in charge of the process, that was no surprise at all as it was all written in black and white that Barotseland has to be freed. The charted course was being fulfilled as envisioned by the architects, and just that single event and the reaction that followed afterwards revealed who was the driver, conductor or passenger on the train of Barotseland’s freedom. Hon. Sinyinda, BNFA leader, Former Ngambela and the first person to disown the Royal Barotseland Transitional Government was now in detention. Unlike many Lozis detained, he never raised an issue concerning his citizenship, and indeed the legality of the judicial system to try him, an indication that he was truly Zambian. He is even said to have a dislike for those other detainees who renounced Zambian citizenship, and never encouraged the singing of the Barotseland’s national anthem while in detention. That is why one would wonder at the logic used to arrest such a ‘friendly’ opponent, a man whose views receive media coverage in their media institutions. Subsequently the following question would arise. Did his disowning of The Transitional Government and his silence on his citizenship at a time when all eyes were on him make him a good pawn for use by Zambian government in order to dupe the Lozi nation of its sovereignty in exchange for a semi autonomy which some activist movements still cherish in the inner parts of their hearts? Indeed, when Hon. Sinyinda was arrested, many people expected him to join the rank and file of people who renounced their Zambian citizenship. However, he chose not to. Many people who attended the court proceedings had consolation from those who voiced out publicly that there is a country called Barotseland. This they did risking their lives for the greater good of many would be Barotseland’s citizens who chose to be identified as Zambians. These gallant sons of Barotseland defended the sovereignty of Barotseland to such extent that they denied themselves legal representation. Almost each court session added on to the list of those who opted to be Barotzis and chose to defend themselves on that basis. Now again all eyes are on Hon Sinyinda. His return to Mongu, the capital of Barotseland was eventful, signifying the relevance and significance that this son of Barotseland has in the hearts of the people of Barotseland, and their aspiration. Of course the Zambian government will also be on him, they subtly escorted him to his home safely a, thing they would not have done to Rt. Hon. Afumba Mombotwa. From now onwards Hon. Sinyinda is on the spotlight. Will his efforts now add up to the efforts achieved so far by the transitional government of Barotseland or will he just undertake a parallel course? Will he seek audience with the Royal Barotseland government and find his role within the system? Will he champion total liberation of Barotseland as expressed by the chanting slogans that welcomed him or will he go back to the people and explain to them why BA64 restoration is plausible option, for now or forever as one Zambia one nation? The answers to these questions will determine how the people will react to the Alliance’s agenda in Barotseland. Long Live Barotseland. Tukongote Litunga Ni Lyetu. Editor’s Note: First Written by an independent observer, 05th December 2013 after Sinyinda arrived in Mongu from Zambian detention, and here published on condition of anonymity - See more at: barotsepost/index.php/en/frontnews/local-news/676-flashback-an-independent-analysis-of-an-observer-of-barotseland-s-independence-quest-after-the-failed-barotse-treason-trial#sthash.3AgfyskF.dpuf
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 09:20:28 +0000

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