Flatulence Flatulence is excessive formation of gases in the - TopicsExpress


Flatulence Flatulence is excessive formation of gases in the stomach or intestine. Flatus, rather than flatulence, is gas expelled through the anus. Borborygmus is a rumbling noise caused by the propulsion of gas through the intestines. Flatulence occurs when gas accumulates in your intestinal tract and colon. This is a normal process that occurs when bacteria break down certain types of food. While it can be disruptive and disconcerting, it is rarely indication of a severe health problem. Flatulence is basically, the presence of excessive gases in the digestive tract. These gases are hydrogen, oxygen, methane and carbon dioxide, and mixture of all these gases is called flatus. It normally forms in the large intestines due to the action of bacteria on undigested food. Bacteria living inside your intestines and colon are responsible for fermenting the undigested collected food. There are many types of bacteria, and it is the different types of these bacteria, on which the amount and type of gas produced depends. Causes of flatulence Although it is natural to pass out gas around 20 times a day, as per the American College of Gastroenterology, through belching and flatus, excessive gas formation in your stomach may indicate a few other problems as well. Hence, if your flatus problem is quite above than the normal condition, it is best to find out its root cause. Some of the most frequently observed causes are: Eating hard to digest foods items Having food items that you body is not allergic to such as lactose intolerance. The problem of acute pancreatitis Swallowing air during eating food and drinking water. Irritable bowel syndrome Bowel fermentation in your stomach Heavy use of oral antibiotics Gastrointestinal cancer as well its cure Symptoms of Flatulence The gas produced in your digestive tract has its own specific symptoms. First is the belching, which is commonly called burp. In this process, you actually emit gas through your mouth by making a noise, coming straight from stomach. Second is the flatulence, in which you pass out fouls odor, gas from your anus. It comes out with noise and often causes a lot of embarrassment if done in public. And finally, you will notice irritable bowel syndrome or boating stomach due to intestinal motility disorder. Treatment Carminatives -medicines or preparations that relieve flatulence ACTIVATED CHARCOAL Dry activated charcoal adsorbs virtually all odoriferous gases when mixed directly with human feces and flatus gas. BISMUTH SUBSALICYLATE Bismuth subsalicylate reduces fecal and flatus odor in people when given frequently (four times daily). ZINC ACETATE Similar to bismuth, zinc acetate binds sulfhydryl compounds and reduces volatile sulfur compounds when exposed directly to gas from human flatus. Addition of zinc acetate to food (1%) decreased fecal hydrogen sulfide concentrations and improved flatus odor in rat PANCREATIC ENZYMES Pancreatic enzyme supplementation decreases abnormal intestinal gas production in dogs with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Pancreatic enzyme preparations have also been widely used for bloating and abdominal distention in people SIMETHICONE Simethicone (dimethylpolysiloxane) is an anti-foaming agent that reduces surface tension of gas bubbles. Helpful hints for controlling gas (flatus) Bowel incontinence (BI) can also mean in ability to control gas. Sometimes it is just the problem of the offensive smell. There are many causes. Altering your lifestyle may help to resolve or reduce the problem. Different techniques help different people. It is important to remember that there ma y be more than one contributing factor. Eating Some foods produce more gas than others. However, this is different for every individual and food that produces gas for one person may not do so for another. Try avoiding some of these foods to see if it makes things better for you. Try to eliminate them one at a time. This way you will be able to tell which food may be the culprit. • Hot spicy foods can speed up how fast food moves through your bowels. This can produce additional gas. • Rich, fatty foods, especially fried foods, may increase gas in some people • Try eating a little more slowly. When you eat fast, you swallow extra air with your food. Try to not talk while eating. Extra air while eating can lead to belching and gas production. • Eating at the same time each day and ea ting smaller meals more frequently may be beneficial as well. It is easier on your intestines and can decrease gas. • Try to eat a balanced diet. Foods with high fiber may initially increase gas production. However, the this will decrease over time. Drinking • Caffeine can increase bowel activity and increase gas. Caffeine is also a diuretic and draws fluid from your body. • Carbonated drinks can increase belching and gas production. • Beer can increase gas production. • It is better not to drink fluids with your food. Drinking fluids with meals can increase your air intake and increase gas. Foods which cause a normal amount of gas (allowed): 1. Meat, Fowl, Fish 2. Vegetables: Lettuce, Peppers, Avocado, Tomato, Asparagus, Zucchini, Okra, Olives 3. Fruits: Cantaloupe, Grapes, Berries 4. Carbohydrates: White Rice, Chips, Popcorn, Graham Crackers 5. All nuts 6. Eggs, Jello, Fruit Ice Foods which cause a moderate amount of gas (may need to avoid): 1. Potatoes 2. Eggplant 3. Citrus Fruits, Apples 4. Carbohydrates: Pastries, Bread Major gas producers (eat moderately): 1. Vegetables: Onions, Celery, Carrots, Brussels Sprouts, Cucumber, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Radishes 2. Beans 3. Fruit: Raisins, Bananas, Apricots, Prunes, dried fruit 4. Carbohydrates: Bagels, Wheat Germ, Pretzels 5. Peas 6. Green Salads 7. Bran cereal / foods high in bran 8. Brown rice 9. Leeks, parsnips Everybody tolerates foods differently. Some foods that are major gas producers for some people may cause normal gas for others. This list should be used as a guide to help determine the best gas reducing diet for you specifically. Be aware that the foods high in fiber are usually major gas producers. These high fiber foods are important for normal bowel f unction so they should not be eliminated totally. Thank you for taking time to read it.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 10:13:13 +0000

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