Flavius Valean West University of Timisoara Options for this - TopicsExpress


Flavius Valean West University of Timisoara Options for this story Project developed by Rosia Montana Gold Corporation is just the tip of a much larger iceberg : there are several companies , mostly listed in Canada , but with shareholders from different countries , mostly from the U.S. and Israel , without neglecting all sorts of characters more local more or less controversial . All were set up in the form of company type mailbox , recorded in tax havens , for example in the Bahamas and Isle of Man. Perimeter RMGC has fixed limits , it can be extended at the pleasure of the company. For example, did you know that at the moment the natural reserve Detunatele is in this area ? Who will guarantee you will not be thrown into the air for questionable profit of companies ? Two other companies , ELDORADO GOLD and Carpathian Gold have leased the entire perimeter of between Mures and Cris , calling it NEW BRAD . They started the operation not only Certej , and the Musariu - Brad Ruda , Rovine Cherry Tree Bucurescii , Buces ( last two recently announced ) and God knows where. Opinion for the operation of the Certej is very close to being issued , this will create an extremely dangerous precedent for opening other works in the Apuseni Mountains . At present , the companies mentioned above have already marked several areas , many located inside of populated villages . Expects new mining law that will allow abusive expropriations . Thousands of locals will be uprooted from their lands to face bulldozers and heavy machinery that will erase everything to reach the treasures of the deep . In the recent past , the novel and the Communist sealed a number of mines are considered strategic reserves that were to be operated only in cases of force majeure ( serious economic crisis or war ! - Expl . Caracal ) . Currently , these are leased to foreign companies national interest by the Romanian state and capitalist present . Certej, in particular, will be built two dams , a tailings with 169 m height and a second for cyanidation with 70 m height , both built in arocament and clay. No one , absolutely no one can guarantee that one day they will not fail , as happened on October 30, 1971 , when the bursting of a dam such dastardly killed about 165 people (although only 89 were declared official dead , not to be mourning ) . How can withstand a dam built of rock and earth ? By how many degrees on the Richter scale is designed to withstand ? How can one ensure that cyanide will not leach into the groundwater and hence in Mures ? Official reveals that the foundation that will be built two dams are absolutely safe ... to them at their word ? Especially in the impact study clearly states that the area occupied by the lake with cyanide is a geological mix that shows cracks ... . Moreover, in orogenetic Carpathian system there are not non-cracked ! Did you know that the Certej operation will be on the surface, using several tons of explosives daily ? Finally, after the data provided by the Geological Survey in Southern Apuseni Mountains Roman will appear 69 ( !) Careers and about 2,900 acres of lakes with cyanide ! Problem cyanide is fake ? The same will be and when they will infiltrate the aquifer ? I repeat: in 2900 ha area will be occupied by lakes final cyanide ! But when sulfocianurile dryness will oxidize to form sulfuric acid vapor form which in turn will not only irreparably poisoned environment in the immediate vicinity , but being carried by air currents will form acid rain on hard surfaces calculated .. . , even acid mist will be one then it will be ? There is not any simulation to show how people will be affected if one of the two dams will break , as there is no simulation to show how the movement of air masses to carry poisons results. Because in the Ore Mountains complex ores are found , along with gold, silver and various other rare minerals , ores occurring radioactive and heavy metals in different concentrations . We already know that cancer incidence in mining towns has always been very high , due to direct exposure in underground galleries to them. It is also known that in Deva and cancer incidence - especially those lung surging - is still very high , due to the existence of tailings deposit located in the western part of the city. When will proceed to open cast mining and scraping mountains , millions of tons of dust laden with radioactive particles and heavy metals will be carried by air currents random , condemning tens of thousands of people from throughout the area mountains West and from their proximity , killing what little will remain of nature . Because if you go to the opening of 69 careers, thousands of hectares of forest disappear irreversibly . Only in Certej career will be cleared approx. 400 hectares of forest. In this study the impact of mining , it shows that in the target area , it nestles any bird species of national or European Community ! Again I ask : his word for ... ? Or is it a gimmick to be so cut without too many headaches entire forests ? Today , the forests around the city offering a pleasant microclimate , helping to oxygenate the air, filtering pollutants to increased rainfall , water retention in the soil , contributing greatly to the health of residents and beyond. Deva, in particular, suffer from the lack of green spaces and forests around or fully compensate it. How will show you around our mountains are dozens of careers , dozens of lakes with cyanide or flotation , when thousands of heavy vehicles will circulate freely everywhere, when thousands of locals they will be left with the proper strength or villages ? When the call will be hopelessly contaminated with thousands of tons of poisons ? Does anyone know how it will change the air flow throughout southern Transylvania when dozens of mountains will disappear , replaced with huge careers that will grind hundred meters from their bodies ? Only massive meat from Rosia Montana , will drop from 1003 m count how now, more than 600 meters altitude ! Report it now , I pray you , to the south of the Apuseni Mountains ! Massive Sacaramb Deva is currently an obstacle in the path of air currents in the northern sector , after it will be ground to satisfy the greed of others, air currents will hit our city freely . But they will not come alone, but accompanied by hydrochloric acid vapor , acid rain , dirt, more or less loaded with radioactive and heavy particles , oxides of nitrogen , oxides of sulfur , oxides of carbon , carbon dioxide . It is known that , after exploitation in career mode in Rosia Montana will be polluted atmosphere within a radius of approx. 300 km. We have done studies that suggest at least close range that atmosphere ( troposphere and lower layers of the stratosphere ) will be contaminated after opening the Certej career ? The answer is certainly not . Numerous nature reserves , oases of beauty, relaxation and tranquility, the remains of a once ubiquitous nature - and which are currently still under pressure antorpice growing - will disappear either directly behind irrational and careless exploitation or indirectly as a result of pollution. The whole valley of the Mures River, from the confluence with Aries live stream will be polluted by cyanide and heavy metals leaking of thousands of hectares of industrial paints . Needless to wonder : who will fund maintenance of all these green bombs that will be built in the heart of Romanias generosity ? Apuseni Mountains are a water castle , hence feeding the numerous rivers that eventually reach the Tisza and Danube and from there into the Black Sea . What are the environmental costs of harvesting after 69 will be started by some adventurers ... actually have one called good companies : Eldorado Gold ... Nowhere are set post -mining costs , and where they are made , are insignificant compared to the needs . And actually , come to think seriously : what company assumes post -mining costs that can last 30-40 years ? Costa billion per year to entertain a dam cyanide kind that will build our friends , costing hundreds of millions of euros to reimpaduresti thousands of acres that will remain after their operations . In many cases , they have brought thousands of tons of soil to cover the pits and dumps, otherwise on what to plant seedlings ? Moreover, these issues are not mentioned anywhere in their generous plans greening post ! Do not forget that today , most nurseries in Romania there . It will plant the trees ... imported from Holland , who did not like to stand in the Carpathians specific ? In the so -called impact on mining in Certej specify very clearly that reforestation is made with poplar , locust and buckthorn . Catina is planted only in the first phase, with the purpose to secure the soil and the purge of certain harmful substances. Instead acacia and poplar are chosen for the speed with which they grow but have no value forest . Moreover , black locust is a species of alien , invasive, foresters are a real nuisance ! Do you think thats all ? NO! The new people here , waiting for us and others , the same companies have leased and cuprifer area west of the Deva , who called him NEW DEVA - Muncelu and about which I know even less. Word is there will be underground mining ... to them at their word ? I do not ! How many have thought that after beginning operation in industrial regime of an area so vast and densely populated villages will disappear forever , churches , cemeteries , traditions, and sustainable human activities and traditional products bio yet ? We really do not care that millennia of history will be lost in the mists of the mountains Dynamic some newcomers ? But maybe this is meant : that we become slaves in our own country , to buy imported products only in supermarkets , not to own property in a globalizing world that is intense and chaotic , to become a mere population without past no present and no future . Romania is also called Garden of the Virgin , and we are now here , because we have a sacred duty to be its gardeners ! And horror governors should know that we went to take our country back . Peacefully. Until boots will come with us and then .... well, it would have been better not chiuleasca the history classes of Motherland ! So let God help us !
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 03:28:15 +0000

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