Fleet of UFOs Recorded On An iPhone Video Above Normandy Posted - TopicsExpress


Fleet of UFOs Recorded On An iPhone Video Above Normandy Posted on September 25, 2014 in daytime UFO, Europe, The afternoon sky of Normandy was reportedly occupied by a fleet of seven UFOs, according to a witness. While the exact date of the mysterious event was still unknown, it is assumed that it happened during sunny weather as the witness claims that he was out for sunbathing when he spotted the strange appearance between the clouds. The witness said that he was on a yacht, sailing and enjoying the amazing view of the sky in Normandy with a friend. While taking a sunbath, the witness was relaxing with a huge chem trail view across the sky and some beautiful clouds. Suddenly, his attention was shifted to something else, which he says he doesnt remember. He stopped watching the sky for some minutes. When he decided to look at the sky again, he spotted something unusual in which he describes as some little strange dots of light close to the large chem trail. The witness said that he always brings his iPhone with him including the time of the sighting. So, he grabbed his iPhone out of his pocket and recorded the mysterious activity in the sky. When he reviewed his footage on his PC screen, he counted seven white objects descending in slow motion inside the trail and disappeared behind it as well. He says that the large orb was seemingly the mothership that led the fleet.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 14:57:53 +0000

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