(Florida Admin) Palestinian Muslims in Gaza Torturing Cattle - TopicsExpress


(Florida Admin) Palestinian Muslims in Gaza Torturing Cattle (Video). The video is very graphic. There is a warning. Footage has emerged apparently showing Australian cattle being tortured in Gaza. The footage, filmed by civilians during the Festival of Sacrifice in October, shows tagged bulls and cows being kicked, stabbed and shot while being dragged - with legs bound - through streets and makeshift slaughterhouses as crowds cheer. The most disturbing footage shows a bound animal stabbed in the eye, while another is knee-capped with bullets from an assault rifle. Animals Australia said the cattle have distinctive eartags that show some of the animals are from a shipment that departed Fremantle Port and docked in Israel in June. The images have reignited calls for the live export trade to be abolished, as parliamentarians from across the political divide come together to demand better animal welfare standards. Opposition agriculture spokesman Joel Fitzgibbon said he had viewed the footage and found it confronting and distressing. The footage ... has the very great potential to undermine public confidence in what is a very, very important industry for this country, he told reporters in Canberra on Thursday. The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry had been investigating the alleged breach of the Exporter Supply Chain Assurance Scheme since November. But the investigation is not likely to conclude this year, and Mr Fitzgibbon called on the department to issue show cause notices to the companies allegedly involved. This would require them to demonstrate why their licences should not be suspended until the investigation is over. Suspending the licences would send notice to all those who work in the industry that the government and the community would not allow indiscretions to occur, Mr Fitzgibbon said. Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon said the footage showed extreme cruelty and shattered the myth that Australia could influence better animal welfare standards overseas. These animals have been subjected to cruelty that is hard to believe, she told reporters. It was time for chilled-box meat exports to replace the live export trade, she added. Nationals MP Andrew Broad said in the real world there is a demand for live animals in developing countries, and Australia is always trying to lift animal welfare standards. He dismissed Labor suggestions that exporters should have their licences reviewed, saying the opposition had a poor track record when it came to the live animal trade. They nearly shut down northern Australia, he said, referring to Labors 2011 temporary suspension of live cattle exports to Indonesia. They havent got a lot of credibility in that area. The footage is among the most shocking ever captured, independent MP Andrew Wilkie said. Mr Wilkie said the barbaric treatment of Australian livestock in overseas markets had to stop. Gaza is just the latest in a long line of revelations which show clearly that Australias so-called supply chain assurance is failing, Mr Wilkie said. If the government doesnt have the backbone to stop the trade altogether, then it should at least commit to ban or refuse permits to all companies that have demonstrated a continuing disregard for animal welfare. Animals Australia said the abuse was sickening. There are no words to adequately describe the carnage in these videos and the scale of abuse endured by ... cattle, Animals Australia campaign director Lyn White said. It is shocking and completely harrowing to watch. Any politician or industry supporter who has propagated the industrys clever PR line that we can improve animal welfare by being in the market should be locked in a room and forced to watch an hour of footage from Gaza. The animal welfare agency said the footage had been provided to all MPs and senators. It has lodged a legal complaint about the alleged abuse - the third in two months following alleged breaches of regulations in Jordan and Mauritius. Livestock Shipping Services (LSS), the largest cattle exporter into Israel, self-reported potential breaches of Australias live export regulations in Gaza last month. In a statement, LSS said: Many of the identifiable features in online photos and footage are not exclusive to Australian cattle. LSS does not consider it appropriate, at this stage, to speculate and is urgently investigating these matters. LSS is also working closely with the Department of Agriculture (DAFF). Based on observation of ear tags in an online photo that may show an Australian animal, LSS has made a self-report to DAFF that there is potential for non-compliance with ESCAS [the Exporter Supply Chain Assurance Scheme] if some of the activities reported online involve Australian cattle in Gaza. LSS is absolutely committed to animal welfare and places great importance on establishing the accuracy of claims about poor practices that could relate to any Australian animals in countries to which the company exports or which could indicate issues within the supply chains that have been established under ESCAS. LSS is already under investigation for alleged breaches in Jordan in June and October. AAP with smh.au . Here you will find more recent info about it: Palestinian Muslims in Gaza Torturing Cattle (Video) shariaunveiled.wordpress
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 10:06:03 +0000

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