Florida Leaders for True Reform of Education Dear Anti Common - TopicsExpress


Florida Leaders for True Reform of Education Dear Anti Common Core Friends, On November 4th an important choice will be made by all Floridians that will have implications for years to come. We as a collective voice have fought too hard to give up now. The war is not over and we must understand the ramifications and realize the setbacks if we are too steadfast in our fervor to rid Florida of Common Core. At this time in our state and country’s history, we must consider all of the critical issues facing us and the larger political sphere we find ourselves in. To that point, we have four options on November 4th- 1) Stay home- do not vote and lose your voice, 2) Vote Libertarian- to prove a point to Florida Republican leadership, 3) Vote Crist- because we still maintain control of the Republican Legislature, or 4) Vote Scott- because you recognize the consequences involved with the first three choices. The consequences are real and the choices are laid before us. Are we ready to throw in the towel for the next four years? Or, are we prepared to keep fighting until Florida is 100% free from Common Core? Real Consequences of staying home and/or voting Libertarian: First and foremost staying home and/or voting Libertarian is a vote for Charlie Crist. Staying home is an option but the consequences will be the same mistake nearly 7 million conservative, libertarian, and independent voters made by staying home in 2012 because they were under the impression it could not get any worse. Another choice we have is to vote Libertarian. A wasted vote being that the polls shows the libertarian candidate only has a 5% chance of winning. So we must ask ourselves, “Do my core values, beliefs, and goals line up closer with Charlie Crist? Or, Rick Scott?” There are only two choices left and “neither” is not an option because on November 4th we will have elected Charlie Crist or Rick Scott. Real Consequences with Charlie Crist: One anti common core argument is that with Crist as Governor, the Republicans still have legislative control. True, but we must also take into consideration the fact that a Governor Crist will still have major powers. The Governor, like President Obama, can issue Executive Orders to accomplish his own agenda without going through the Legislature. In addition, Crist will have authority to assign over 300 appointments which includes the Supreme Court of Florida Justices, Director of Policy, Chief of Education Policy, Commissioner of Education, and Chief Child Advocate for Family and Child Services. From the national perspective, his win will be a feather in the cap of the DNC and continue the transition of Florida from a red state to a blue one. Crist will be on a fast track during his first year to prove he aligns himself with the aggressive policies of the national Democrat platform with the goal of being the 2016 VP pick. Charlie’s past is clear – he will chase whatever opportunity he sees to be a hero to those that will advance his career. He is not a man of conviction and will sell our children to the highest bidder to achieve his own personal goals. In 2009 Charlie Crist took us into Common Core and is an ardent supporter to this day. With a win in November, it will be a no holds barred move to complete the implementation of Common Core and advance his progressive ‘Cred’ with the left. With his sights on 2016 and beyond, he will be all in with the unions and will drop teacher performance measures and return teacher tenure. Through Crist’s allegiance, we will see Arne Duncan make Florida the poster child of Common Core implementation to fly in the face of states like Indiana and Louisiana where the battle rages on. In fact, our war will be over in Florida! Opportunities with Governor Rick Scott: Removing one hundred percent of Common Core will take continued efforts. Governor Scott has called for an Independent Florida Standards Review Committee to evaluate additional improvements. He is committed to giving us the opportunity to have a voice at the table for legislative recommendations and the adoption of better standards and policies. Once past the election and with a steady resolve and an aligned force, we can continue our efforts to improve the curriculum and assessment methods used in Florida. We must also look ahead to the 2016 Presidential election where Florida will play a key role. In sharp contrast with the Obama Democrat agenda, Florida has become a national leader in job creation as a result of policies of Governor Rick Scott that foster economic growth. Our new task will be to see that Florida helps nominate and elect a Republican president who will set a policy for state and local control of education and get Washington out of our classrooms. We must not negate our goals. As an Anti Federal Common Core advocate in Florida I accept and understand the challenges we face to remove Common Core. I have lived the frustrations with you over the past two years and recognize the choices are imperfect. The consequences of our decisions are clear. Therefore, I urge you to please join me in re-electing Governor Rick Scott on November 4th. Laura Zorc State Coordinator and Co-Founder Florida Parents Against Common Core
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 02:24:39 +0000

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