Florida had a FANTASTIC candidate running for Governor. Her name - TopicsExpress


Florida had a FANTASTIC candidate running for Governor. Her name Is Nan Rich. A life long Democrat. A Senator (term limited out) & State Representative among other positions she has held in Florida & a few nationally ( I believe). There were major problems with the Fla Dem Chair basically BLOCKING this woman and NOT allowing Floridians to know about her state wide because of this, and the news media not covering her. Instead, A former Republican Fla Governor then an Independent who ran for Senate against Rubio (R) was paraded about. He had recently again changed parties now calling himself a Democrat. His name is Charlie Crist. He left the Florida Governors office after 1 term & was partially to blame for (R) teabag Gov Rick Scott being elected. This 2 nd time, when Crist won the primary after refusing to debate Former Senator (D) Nan Rich He LOST to Gov Rick Scott in the general election.. As a lifelong Floridian I think Nan Rich would have beat Scott. She talked about REAL problems and issues in Florida that need to change. She spoke the truth, but didnt have millions of dollars like the other 2 candidates. to run endless commercials attacking one another. Many Floridians have given up & no longer vote and others are not allowed to vote and I still question some of the voting machines used. We also had many other great democrats running for AG, Ag commissioner & more. Much of the problem in Florida starts with the Chair of the FDP, to womens democratic groups not wanting to discuss the different candidates running before the primary. Floridians need to rid Florida of ineffective Party chairs, co chairs, whatever position held, supervisor of elections they are NOT getting democrats elected. We need more politicians who are real, talk about Facts and how they will change things for the better. Floridians also need to share truthful info & volunteer or work at their local polling place to help oversee elections. Lot of changes must be made, corrupt politicians held accountable & punished for crimes after a fair trial, like anyone who may be guilty of a crime. So much needs to be changed & I have spoken to many in Florida who have GREAT ideas to make them happen. Melody A Heilmann
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 01:13:57 +0000

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