Fluff-Cat Rescue-Rehome PLEASE READ THIS ALL OF YOU AS SOME OF - TopicsExpress


Fluff-Cat Rescue-Rehome PLEASE READ THIS ALL OF YOU AS SOME OF FLUFFS ADMIN ARE A JOKE. Vanessa Jane Birtwistle I must admit, by what Ive read here, that I agree with you, Sophie. Especially if youre happy to continue fostering them 26 October at 14:35 via mobile · Like Lennie Farricker Have just got back in from a nice long doggy walk...will load up laptop and respond properly on there x 26 October at 15:57 via mobile · Like · 1 Sue Ellis ohh hunni i can understand totaly where your coming from we only want what is best for fluff babies, its does concern me that is is a small flat and no outside access plus then also if they cannot afford adoption fee then what happens if there is an emergency vet needed, i cant say it will never happen cos ive been bitten twice by that error, If you are happy to continue with foster happen that is the best option for them hun, x# 26 October at 15:59 · Like Lennie Farricker ok, Sophie Hewitt firstly, apologies youve been trying to get hold of me...I left my phone on charge and have been out for the day. Its best if this is all aired on here to be honest though 26 October at 16:01 · Like Lennie Farricker I appreciate youre expressing your reservations. Its really important that we all feel heard in admin, and I know its been playing on your mind 26 October at 16:02 · Like Lennie Farricker What I would like to clarify firstly is that Dom and her partner were NOT laughing about pawning their rings...they were embarrassed about it and the laughter was to cover that. 101 in reading people Sophie...you read that completely wrong 26 October at 16:03 · Like Lennie Farricker However, I didnt leave the flat without reservations the first time I went over there...Stu and I talked about it in depth...and I made the decision to leave them based on the following criteria 26 October at 16:04 · Like Lennie Farricker 1) They have just moved to Bacup from Scotland. From moving house myself, I know how it feels to be completely skinted by a massive move. I also have exactly £3.50 in my bank account at the moment. Should I give up my animals too? (rhetorical) 26 October at 16:05 · Like Lennie Farricker 2) They were open about what had happened to their previous cat, and he ended up in tears talking about him. That pet was a member of their family 26 October at 16:05 · Like Lennie Farricker 3) They took on board everything I said about caring for the kittens. Dom made a massive mistake not putting water down BUT if someone has never been told that kittens need water as well as their milk...I dont see how youre supposed to psychically know. (Especially when human babies have only milk to begin with) 26 October at 16:07 · Like · 1 Lennie Farricker 4) I feel VERY strongly about how animal rescue, but also support of people trying to do the right thing. A lack of education doesnt mean that people arent trying to improve themselves. If we went off the guidelines that a smoking family arent allowed animals, then my mum and dad should never have had them. People need support to grow, and I see that in them...they want to better themselves. They are also ten minutes from my house so I felt I could build up a relationship with Dom to make sure that the kittens got everything they needed. 26 October at 16:09 · Like Nic Dransfield Im at a meal but will reply when I can. 26 October at 16:10 via mobile · Like Lennie Farricker 5) If we are going to remove the kittens from this family, I wont be part of a cover up. I expect that if we vote to remove them, then Dom and her family are told why they arent suitable to keep the boys. 26 October at 16:10 · Like Lennie Farricker 6) The flat is small, and Ive been to smaller with cats who are adored and healthy. What partly bothered me about not allowing Dom and her family to become part of the wider FLUFF family was that they could get a kitten for a fiver and not know to get it neutered, vaccinated, chipped and fleaed and wormed. Perhaps that isnt a good enough reason to allow her to keep Nero and Loki, I dont know. 26 October at 16:12 · Like Allison Tilly Wilson Right how about we make up some documents that new familys get with there new furbabies. Just a little fact sheet to help them maybe. Like a dos and donts? 26 October at 16:13 via mobile · Like · 2 Steph Porter Just playing devils advocate here but would a fresh pair of eyes to assess the flat help 26 October at 16:13 via mobile · Like · 1 Lennie Farricker 7) I spoke to Dom at length about their plans for living up in Bacup, and she made it clear that the flat wasnt a long term plan - more of a stepping stone because theyd made such a massive move from Scotland 26 October at 16:13 · Like · 1 Steph Porter Allison I love that idea xx 26 October at 16:13 via mobile · Like Sophie Hewitt What about the smokiness of the flat and the lack of space? I know its not all about money but how are they going to afford the adoption fee, we shouldnt be giving cats away for free. The smoke in the flat is actually my main concern, why do the babies need to be subjected to that. 26 October at 16:14 via mobile · Like Lennie Farricker The smoking thing... I have spoken to Sophie about this before. I HATE smoking...with a passion. It makes me feel ill. I am not sure that LEGALLY we can discriminate against smokers in their own home. 26 October at 16:16 · Like Lennie Farricker Sophie Hewitt I dont know where you have got the idea from that they cant pay the fee? 26 October at 16:16 · Like Lennie Farricker You havent got it from me...Im guessing you havent asked Dom? 26 October at 16:17 · Like Steph Porter Im confused sorry whos getting what cats for free? Xx 26 October at 16:17 via mobile · Like Lennie Farricker No one Steph Porter 26 October at 16:18 · Like Lennie Farricker Leading me to my final point. Dom qualifies for PDSA care. Are we also not homing to people unable to work now too? I think this also needs clarifying because if were not, Id better put mine up for adoption?! 26 October at 16:20 · Like Allison Tilly Wilson With regards animals in smoking homes there is nothing we can do about this and I feel we have to just aaccept people will have pets and smoke but this does not mean they will love them any the less. Can you imagine the sudden influx of animals needing homes if suddenly it was decided smokers should not keep pets? This is an issue we can do nothing about as its a persons human right if they smoke or not. I personally hate smoking but o have many many friends with pets who smoke and they adore there pets. I would rather a cat in a home being loved with a smoker than on the streets or being used as bait 26 October at 16:22 via mobile · Like · 1 Lennie Farricker I think Sophies point here (and correct me if Im wrong hon) that she doesnt think WE should be giving FLUFF cats/kittens to smokers who smoke in the home? 26 October at 16:23 · Like Sophie Hewitt I dont actually have a problem with smokers, the problem is that the flat was so smoky even I couldnt bear being in it, so in my personal opinion thats not suitable for two tiny kittens with developing lungs, if they smoked outside then that would be fine but they dont. No I havent spoken to dom about the adoption fee. Maybe I have wrongly presumed that if they cant afford their son a school uniform and have to pawn their jewelry then how can they afford to give us over £100, which is a lot of money. 26 October at 16:25 via mobile · Like Lennie Farricker Yes youve wrongly assumed hon. Theyre paying the fee minus the deduction due them fostering as standard. 26 October at 16:26 · Like Lennie Farricker I think perhaps you are more sensitive to smoke than I am...I could tell the flat was smoked in, but there wasnt a fog and I could breathe 26 October at 16:27 · Like Steph Porter School uniform is massively expensive anyway and if it came to it if I had a skint week if pawn things too but luckily Ive never had to, I dont know Dom or ever been to the flat and if its just a stop gap for them to find another place better when their sorted, with our support and possibly monitoring for a while I dont personally see the size of the flat an issue if Im honest the smoking thing is for me as I dont smoke but its not a crime to smoke. 26 October at 16:35 via mobile · Like Steph Porter like alli said though just because they smoke doesnt make them bad people or that theyll love the kittens any less xx 26 October at 16:35 via mobile · Like Karen Jackson This is ridiculous. I smoke and have pets, should I not have be allowed to have pets?? Admittedly since having Isabella we now smoke outside but in all the years Ive had pets Ive never had to take my cats to the vets because of this! As to them being able to afford vet care as Lennie had pointed out she qualifies for pdsa so not an issue, even if she didnt not everyone including me always has the money for emergency vet care but you find the money, as to the water if they were under 8 wk I wouldnt put water down either without being told that they needed it. It seems to me that you have taken a personal dislike to them Sophie (comment about pawning rings)and maybe someone other than you and Lennie should go and do the home visit. Im back at work a wk on Monday and am more than willing to go do a home check with someone if they can collect me x 26 October at 16:36 via mobile · Like · 1 Sue Ellis im sorry but i dont agree with people having to depend on a charity for help if a pet becomes ill, it absolutely grates me these charitys are there to help the most needy but not to be depended on just because you get a pet, they are massivley underfunded and i really do wish that people would take responsibility for any pets they take on by taking out adequate pet insurance, and no karen it is not ridiculous about smoking i smoke but i dont think animals should be subjected to having to inhale it too, as this flat is small and they have no access to outside it does concern me that they will not have access to fresh air but i also understand that just because it is a flat it isnt suitable my daughter lives in a flat and has daisy, I totally understand sophies concerns, and i understand lennies replys so maybe like steph has suggested a fresh set of eyes to assess the situation may help. x 26 October at 16:47 · Like · 2 Sophie Hewitt I dont think people are bad at all for smoking. Thats not the issue for me. Its a combination of the size of the flat and them smoking inside making it more concentrated and also that the kittens are babies so I think its as bad as smoking around a human baby. (Which I am not accusing you of Karen because I know you smoke outside with Isabelle there now). Its just a personal thing because I dont agree with it and have had family die from smoking related diseases, and the cats are family. which is why I posted here for everyones opinions. I just think we should be finding the best possible homes not ok homes with a lot of reservations and having to check up all the time, although thank you Lennie for explaining all your points because it does make things clearer for me. I stand by saying I dont think it is suitable, as the first rule of a home check is would you leave your cats there? And I wouldnt leave mine there. I think a fresh pair of eyes sounds like a good idea, but needs to be someone who sees where I am coming from as well as someone who thinks Im being ridiculous x 26 October at 16:49 via mobile · Like Lennie Farricker ok, so we could do with Jess Mather Nic Dransfield Vanessa Jane Birtwistle Michele Emmett having their input to this too...but I do think that a second opinion is needed. I might be blinding myself because I like the family, and thats not good enough for our fosterlings 26 October at 16:54 · Like · 1 Steph Porter I see both sides and am totally impartial here I dont know the lady in question and Im more than happy to go and visit to assess x 26 October at 16:54 via mobile · Like · 1 Allison Tilly Wilson Does it not need to be someone totally neutral who does the home check if were doing another? Thus the best outcome 26 October at 16:54 via mobile · Like · 1 Lennie Farricker I think two people should go who are neutral...and in the meantime we need to figure out what to do about Loki because hes still there x 26 October at 16:55 · Like · 1 Steph Porter Which ones Loki? Sorry not totally upto date on names c 26 October at 16:56 via mobile · Like Lennie Farricker Sue Ellis Karen Jackson Steph Porter Allison Tilly Wilson Thanks for your input guys... this needs all of our heads together to work through. I dont want the wrong decision being made 26 October at 16:56 · Like · 1 Steph Porter And Im more than happy to pick someone up to visit here with xx 26 October at 16:57 via mobile · Like · 1 Allison Tilly Wilson Right do we not need two neutral eyes to go visit Loki and see how Loki is doing and go from there? 26 October at
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 14:04:12 +0000

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