Flurry of activity by leftists going - TopicsExpress


Flurry of activity by leftists going on.................................? It seems that the leftists are all giddy out there. They must be working overtime on their attack of my character. There seems to be a lot of interest of a child on a mattress. Let me say this again; I would love to hear any story told under hypnosis and truth serum by anyone out there accusing me of inappropriate activity with a child in any shape, form or fashion.at any time in my life. If there is a story being told, it is an absolute lie and I would be tickled to respond to any such accusation under hypnosis with truth serum. It is a shame that sewer scum are able to conjure up any story they wish to use to attack their political enemies. It is even a greater shame that the American people are entertained by such slimy activity by those pieces of sewer slime. I would never have believed that American society would ever stoop this low. The sewer slime in society will always be capable of this kind of slimy activity as long as enough of the American people encourage it by considering it as a form of entertainment. The lowlife leftists will stop at nothing in their efforts to silence the enemies of their government collectivist agenda. They are mind-numbed robots whose minds have been totally warped by those leaders in government who depend on growing the dependence on government as a way to grow their own wealth and power. Remember; liberals need people to be dependent on them in order to grow their power. I will continue to fight these pieces of liberal scum for as long as I live. These lowlife liberal activists MUST BE STOPPED if our children and the generations that follow them will ever have the opportunity to grow up in a free society under a Constitution that keeps our government in check. We are getting very close to losing the wonderful society that we grew up in. Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are the biggest threat that America has ever faced. I just hope and prey that the American people are awakened by the activities that the liberals have done in the past few years. The evil of Obamacare may be the huge alarm clock needed to warn the American people of the evils of government controlled collectivism that lowlife liberals advocate.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 13:12:23 +0000

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