Foarte mare atentie, Romania si Europa!!! Nu stiu cu ce bani o sa - TopicsExpress


Foarte mare atentie, Romania si Europa!!! Nu stiu cu ce bani o sa ne cumparam alta planeta si de unde!!! Sa va ia naiba de nesatui de bani si aur, de la Rosia Montana Gold Corporation si Ponta si care mai sunteti! Vrem sa ne crestem copii pe o planeta curate si in siguranta! Credeti ca puteti cumpara sanatatea planetei cu bani? NU! O sa fiti inghititi si voi de boli si molime! OPRITI ACEST PROIECT DEZASTRUOS PENTRU ROMANIA SI EUROPA! NU VA VREM IN ROMANIA! NU MAI VENITI AICI!!! LASATI-NE IN PACE!!! Romania and Europe, be very careful! I don`t know with what money we are going to buy another planet and where from!! Damn you, those who aregreed of money and gold from Rosia Montana Gold Corporation and Ponta and who else you are! We want to raise our children on a clean and safe planet! Do you think that any money can replace the health of this planet? NO! You will be devoured by disease and pestilence, too, sooner or later! STOP THIS CATASTROPHIC PROJECT FOR ROMANIA AND EUROPE! WE DO NOT WANT YOU IN ROMANIA! DO NOT COME HERE AGAIN! JUST LEAVE US IN PEACE! youtube/watch?v=xwzF_0jZcOE&feature=player_embedded#t=2
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 12:26:01 +0000

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