Focus On America After flying into the Vineyard this weekend and - TopicsExpress


Focus On America After flying into the Vineyard this weekend and patiently awaiting the arrival of dozens of the president’s basketballs and Bo the family dog, both of which arrived with a security detail on a Marine chopper the following day, the Obamas got all gussied up and moseyed on over to a cocktail party hosted by friends in the unbiased media. Michele Norris is the race-obsessed journalist and former co-host of NPR’s “All Things Considered.” Norris, her husband Broderick Johnson, and her family have been coming to racially segregated Martha’s Vineyard for over 20 years. To avoid a conflict of interest during the 2012 presidential campaign, ever the unbiased journalist, Norris took a leave of absence from NPR while her husband, Broderick Johnson, worked as a key adviser on Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 18:08:37 +0000

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