Focus your efforts on activities that will produce - TopicsExpress


Focus your efforts on activities that will produce results. Distractions are EVERYWHERE! It never fails. Thoughts about work, family, phone calls, emails, text messages, television shows, video games, social media, “significant others”, or food cravings deter you from giving your very best efforts at the gym. You’re like a puppy chasing after a shiny bouncing ball … actually, a bucket of shiny bouncing balls! The decision to start an exercise program is already difficult. These distractions, on the other hand, make it really challenging to “stay” on track when it comes to reaching your fitness goals. It’s also not one major distraction that gets in the way. It’s a million tiny distractions that add up to delays getting to the gym, longer workouts that get in the way of your free time, or you avoiding your workout entirely. In fact, Harpers Fitness, a UK-based health and fitness club, conducted a survey asking how gym members spent their time at the facility. Of the 1,000 members surveyed, an average of 23 minutes per hour (39 percent) was spent actually exercising. The rest of the time at the gym is spent doing non-exercise activities including: Choosing music and adjusting their iPods/MP3 players/smartphones Checking their cell phones (i.e., text messages, emails, social media) Filling their water bottles Sparking up conversations with other gym members Standing or sitting while waiting for equipment Adjusting their clothes/shoes Before you get sidetracked, it’s important to identify ways to both stay on your workout program and avoid the distractions that can get in the way of your best workouts. It’s all about developing a solid plan and an effective strategy to avoid pitfalls and remain focused. Read more: todaysfitnesstrainer
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 06:33:13 +0000

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