Focusing on Jesus (Turning the Spotlight Away from Me) Along - TopicsExpress


Focusing on Jesus (Turning the Spotlight Away from Me) Along the way I’ve discovered that this simple message has far reaching implications: God gave His all. In this world, the message: “Me, me, me!” is proclaimed from every billboard, shouted from every television commercial, and even preached from many pulpits; but this message flies in the face of everything the Bible says is important. The world says: “It’s all about me,” “I can do it on my own,” and “It’s not my fault,” along with many other lies. It does its best to get me to forget that this is a battle, a spiritual battle, one in which my advisory is very cleaver, and he knows exactly how to lead me down the wrong path—the selfish, self-centered path of destruction. However, if I am going to use Jesus as my perfect example, I am forced to recognize that He lived a life centered on others; in fact, He came down from heaven to give His all. Then He asked me to do the same. The message Jesus lived and shared while He walked this earth is this: “Love each other as I have loved you.” The me-focused attitude marketed by this world is the very attitude that breaks relationships, causing untold pain and suffering. I’ve found in my life that I know I’m going down the wrong path when I find myself asking, “What’s in it for me,” instead of, “What can I do for you?” “But,” I hear you asking, “Doesn’t this attitude give people permission to take advantage of me?” Well, let me ask you this: Did people take advantage of Jesus, or did He give to them before they asked? When he was here on earth, Christ drew His strength, not from Himself, but from His solid, unchanging relationship with His Father. So, this tells me that the only way I can succeed in this difficult mission of loving everybody is to rely fully on God, my never-ending source of love. So join me as I stop focusing on the constant shouts from the world to rely on me, me, me; and, instead, put my trust in and rely fully on the One Who will never fail me. Join me as I put it all into God’s capable hands. Final Thought: God’s command to love seems so simple, but in a world filled to overflowing with thoughts of me, me , me, it’s difficult to squeeze in time for anything else—especially God.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:24:38 +0000

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