Folks - a lot of you are having trouble with where the Record of - TopicsExpress


Folks - a lot of you are having trouble with where the Record of Live Birth (RLB) and the Birth Certificate (BC), fit in. I will try and explain and will use the name Robert James Smith for the example. You are born live. That is the first important clue. Your parents register the event of your birth. Not you personally, but the event. Why? Because it has massive commercial implications. 1. they benefit from the govt in the form of medical care, subsidies, etc. 2. the community benefits in the form of infrastructure, schooling, etc. 3. shops benefit in the form of the necessities you, the new baby, required You get the picture. The government give to your parents the Birth Certificate, which the parents use to establish that you are the required age for whatever is occuring, BC to establish your school age, etc. So each of the documents has a specific use. 1. RLB to record the time, date and circumstances of the event. 2. BC to validate date and time. Now, you are born without a name. You are called by the name of Robbie, Rob, Jimmy, etc - but that is only what you are called. The RLB that your parents fill out records your name as Robert James. You may be from the family of Smith - but the document only records you as Robert James. The BC documents the full title - Robert James Smith, usually written as SMITH. So you have the possibility of 3 sets of names. 1.. that which you are called 2. that which your parents give you 3. that which government give you. As a living child, you live daily with the name you are called by. In the schooling & medical system you are referred to by the BC name. At no time during your early years, does the RLB name get used. It is like it is completely forgotten and you only have those 2 names. So because you use the BC name for all commerce as you are growing up, you use a name given to you on paper only. Not by your birth parents but by the government, so the govt is then your de facto parent in essence, because you answer to the name it gave you. You grow up and begin to act in commerce for yourself. What name do you use? The BC one - that being the one you have been trained to use. You get a bank account in the NC name. You get a car licence in the BC name. You buy a car in the BC name. You go to uni or college in the BC name. You get married in the BC name. You buy land and a house in the BC name. etc Who then is doing all those things? The BC name. Is that you? No. Does it belong to you? No. So who then owns everything? You Robbie, or the BC name? Well clearly the BC name does. But who owns the BC name? Government. So who ultimately owns the purchases???? So what is Robbie doing? Buying everything, working to pay them off, on behalf of the government. Is he not? Now you may dispute that strongly, so lets move on. You believe you own your land and property because it is in your name. (Well clearly it is not.) Along comes government and tells you to get permission to do something on that which you believe you own. Tells you to pay to get permission what is more, on something you believe you own. Does an owner have to obey government on that which they hold ownership? No. Along comes government and tells you to pay taxes for the right to use that land and property. Does an owner have to pay to use that which they hold ownership of? No. So if the land & house are 1. purchased in a name that is not yours in fact, 2. a name which does not belong to you in fact, 3. land which you have to pay to use 4. land you must ask permission with payment to do something to. That does not sound like ownership to me. In fact, it sounds like you are simply using / renting / leasing land & a house from the real owner. And that is how govt see it too. But I have the deeds people say to me. Do you? Or do you have a Certificate of Title - which is NOT proof of ownership, but proof that you hold some personal contract in regard that house & land. And that applies to every commercial contract you have entered using the name. Because YOU state that YOU are the BC name and you are not, and because YOU state that YOU own the assets held in the NC name, and you do not, you are acting in Usufruct. Meaning you have exclusive use of that which belongs to another and must pay ALLLLL the bills that the name gathers. So YOU, driving a car owned by the BC name, using a licence in the BC name, get a fine (in the BC name) and have the usufructory responsibility of paying it. But I have free right of travel on the kings highway shouts Robert. You did Robbie, but you were pretending to be Robert when you got caught, so seeing as how Robert was not in charge and you were, you can pay the bill. Get the picture? Everything you do using the BC name is your responsibility. That is why the courts must make you agree to be the BC name, so the responsibility is accepted and all that is left is payment of the bill. But I told them I was not the BC name and they railroaded me anyway! Do you use a bank account in the BC name? Yes. And you have a drivers licence in the BC name? Yes. And you are trying to get them to believe you are not the BC name???? Come on!! Now that is all bad enough folks, but it gets worse. Many of you will have heard that the BC is a bond, a share certificate. Many folk will have been mocked for believing that. Well it is. Starts at a base amount at the point the BC is issued & securitized, has interest attached calculated yearly, matures in 30 years. Uh oh. As does every commercial activity you enter into that uses the BC name. Different rates of interest, but of great value on the futures market. What? I get fined, pay the rates, yet I am being used to create investment collatoral??? No, you are not. The BC does not belong to you, so the government are quite within their rights to value that document, invest it, claim against it, borrow against it, etc. It belongs to them. But - and this is the huge but. YOU give it the action that creates the value. It was the EVENT of your birth that created the first BC, it is the event of your using the BC in some capacity that creates the new share investment. Can you stop giving it future value? Yes. How? 1. You can die. 2. you can stop acting in commerce and own absolutely nothing - which means you cannot even go on the dole as that generates a bond. Hhhmmmmmm..... Or you can change the whole game. How? Well, the bond is created from your actions, so it NEEDS you. It has no financial life without you. At the present, it appears to belong to the Austalian Government, who use that future return to borrow heavily. If they relied on gold and silver alone, they would have restricted the borrowing to that collatoral and would probably have completely bound the growht of the country. By making YOU the collatoral for borrowing through the generation of a bond attached to your use of the BC name the borrowing, in fractional reserve banking terms, is unlimited. All it takes is another commercial action being generated, then another, then another..... And I believe those commercial transactions must be generated through the massive corporations, so to my way of thinking encouraging everyone to use a card to purchase, fits the picture of linking your commercial actions using the BC name, straight back through the bank account, to the share market securitization of the new purchase or payment. And fits the picture of the incorporation of the commercial and financial community, even to the use of local charity group purchasing. And YOU cant complain because YOU are using what does not belong to you in those actions. Now you all know I believe this country is being administered under martial law for some reason. When you get the fine and complain, YOU are being belligerant. YOU are acting in dispute and trying to tell the government lies by saying YOU are not the BC name and therefore responsible for the fine. They know YOU are not the BC name, but YOU have been telling everyone you were in commerce and benefiting from the use - have you not? So how do YOU get back to being the Naked Owner where YOU no longer carry the responsibility for the BC names debts? Well, exactly what in all this DO you own? You own the action and can gift the benefit of that action to whomever you want. This is what Sam and I did. We sent a gift to the Commonwealth. We instructed the Commonwealth to gather ALL the interests in the BC name, that WE generated, attach those interests to the RLB name and then we gifted the RLB to the Commonwealth. Do you understand that? We gathered ALL the interests in the BC name - the bonds, derivatives, futures, etc, etc - because they ALL emanate from our original event of birth - we ordered that they be returned to that which caused their creation - that being the original Record of Live Birth - and we gave the rights to all the Interest to a body of OUR choice - that being the Cth. in essence, we gifted, to our Cth, a massive portfolio. Why? Because, they now have permission to benefit massively from any action we undertake in the future and they can then pay the bills. The Title is now Perfected. We no longer use the BC name in Usufruct, instead we are the executors for the estate held in the RLB. All our actions benefit that estate, which in turn benefits the Cth - so they pay the bills. We no longer claim to own anything in the name, we simply act as the action to create the wealth for the name. No further dispute necessary in any capacity. And that good friends - brings peace.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 06:33:10 +0000

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