Folks - this is what has come out of America. To me, it makes the - TopicsExpress


Folks - this is what has come out of America. To me, it makes the most sense of any thinking on the situation we all face re government. As does the solution. It will not be to everyones taste - many of you will completely disagree. Do one thing for me though. Read the info - read it again, think on it for at least half the day - then consider commenting. Remember the following relates to America - BUT - it is relevant to any country and can be used in any country. Here goes. America has operated under martial law or light versions of it since Lincoln started the War between the South & North. That was apparently about slavery, but was really a commercial conflict. Since that day, the American Constitution has not been able to operate as martial law suspends all domestic laws. Only a Declaration of Peace can lift martial law. Martial law is used by an administration to keep the peace in a country. It is also used by an administration in bankruptcy. America was further bankrupted by Roosevelt in 1938. As such the people lose all political and civil rights until the bankruptcy is finalised. The administration are under the oversight of all countries through the Law of Nations (Law of Merchants) in order to finalise the bankrupt debt as quickly as possible. The administration have all power to keep belligerant nationals under control, as that belligerance interferes with the process of finalising the bankruptcy. The administration want to stay in business, so the longer the bankruptcy process takes, the better that can be for them. The bankers keep funding the debt and assisting in keeping the bankruptcy from being finalized. The more belligerant the population, the harsher the administration can act. Therefore it is an advantage to the administration for the population to react with belligerance to the harsh measures of the administration - round robin. The taxes of the people pay out the bankruptcy, but banking works on the practice of keeping the interest payments up to date, while only shaving off the principal. So if the administration keeps borrowing and only the interest is being paid off - the bankrupt goes backward rather than forward. This allows the administration to increase what it demands from you, or rips from the natural wealth of the country - as they are obliged to keep up with the interest repayments at the very least. The ONLY way to finalize a bankruptcy is to pay it out in full. How? Where is all your debt held? In the legal Name. All bank accounts, drivers licences, land & home purchases, etc are in the legal Name. Your share of the assets of the country and consequently its debt - in the legal Name. You dont own the legal Name - it was given you by the government at the time your parents registered the event of your birth. Govt gave it to you to use in legal situations. You therefore use a Name belonging to another body, to enter commerce and think you own the commercial purchase. You do not - so that is called usufruct. Usufruct: Roman & Civil Law - a right for a certain period to use and enjoy the fruits of anothers property without damaging or diminishing it, but allowing for any natural deterioration in the property over time. In Roman Law: the usufruct was considered a personal servitude, resulting in a real right. In modern Civil Law: the owner of the usufruct is similar to a life tenant, and the owner of the property burdened is known as the naked owner. You use what does not belong to you - enjoy the privilege it gives you - are responsible not to damage or harm the Name. And in return pay ALL bills, fines, taxes, etc that belong to the Name. In essence, you pay the rental fees attached to the use of the Name. So the govt is the naked owner because you use the Name, it does not, and you are the Usufruct. The usufruct pays the bills. The Americans here refer to a case called Pee Wee Coal vs the United States. During the war, coal miners went on strike in an essential industry, so the military moved in and took over the mine. They operated it solely for themselves for a period of time, then eventually returned it to the lawful owners. Along with massive bills. The matter went to court and the court stated that whoever had more than 95% use of the business, paid the bills. Who has more than 95% use of the legal Name? - which is a business folks - never doubt that. You do. So you, the living man or woman, use what is not yours to create an estate that can never be yours because it belongs to the Name - which belongs to the government. The Bible warns us not to enter commerce, not to use the Name, give away all the wealth we have accumulated, to live in peace and to give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. What is Caesars? The Name. But we cant give it back so easily because we have to use it or be seen as belligerant and punished (ie driving without a licence) - therefore interfering with freeing our country from the bankruptcy debt. So what the Americans have researched heavily and concluded is this - They want to get America out of bankruptcy in order to remove the administration - they cant do that because they own nothing personally. The Name owns it all. Then give the Name to the de jure American government - the Union. Bypass the administration and give the assets in the Name to the Union. Now pause here for a moment and think about that. If I borrow 100,000 and get a mortgage, I get a sum of repayment that I must meet. Say it is $250 per week. That covers the weekly interest repayment and shaves away the principal over 30 years or so. If I pay $350 a week, I meet my interest committment AND shave a larger amount off the principal. I can reborrow that money if necessary as it is in essence a loan to the bank now. They can use it as they see fit and give me that slight discount on the total repayments in return. We all know each country has a gross national debt - the Americans believe that is the total of their bankruptcy debt. Divide that by how many people there are and each person in America owes $???? By giving the Name (and consequently all the assets owned by the Name) to the Union, they are effectively wiping out their share of the bankruptcy. They retain the ability to care for the Names asset accumulation and act as caretakers, etc - but only in the capacity of increasing the assets of the Name. They become the agent for the Name and as such are employed by the Union. That makes the Union the usufruct and responsible for all debts, fines, taxes, etc attached to the Name. It also gives the Union the ability to kill the bankruptcy debt quicker. In this process - The Bible warns us not to enter commerce - done not to use the Name - done give away all the wealth we have accumulated - done to live in peace - done and to give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar - done. So why would the administration allow this to work?? Remember the repayment of the debts is governed by the Law of Nations and it is vital that every nation assist the fellow nations in protecting their ability to restore the domestic laws and rights of the people. So when the Americans give the Name to the Union to assist in that process, the administration can not interfere with what is a good action. To do so, renders them as the belligerants - not the people. The administration then comes under judgment by the Nations of the world and can be punished. As well, when the nations domestic laws are restored, the individual administrator can face judgment in the country itself. As crazy as this sounds - the more I read and study on this action - the more it feels right. There is a lot more to it than this simple analysis of course. Do your own research at iamsomedude/index.html and So think on it before you comment. If is a hard thing to understand that you dont own anything anyway, but are simply used as a source of debt repayment. I am very interested to read your thoughts.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 01:19:57 +0000

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