Folks, I am growing increasingly frustrated with this group and by - TopicsExpress


Folks, I am growing increasingly frustrated with this group and by extention a party I thought I could find common ground in. Over the past few weeks I have seen a group of intelligent and informed individuals attack the symptoms not the disease. A quick glance at the topics of discussion seems to be focused on issues that are symptomatic of the greater problem rather than actually discussing the greater problem this province faces. Regardless of the discussion it seems we can not get past the sniffle even though we all know we have a cold I get it there is a group of angry english speaking New Brunswickers in this group that much is clear... and I get it there is an issue with bilingualism. I will even concede that for the most part we have a culture in this province that has loved to see this division and a political system that has fomented the hatred and mistrust. But bilingualism and the issues surrounding it are symptoms of the disease... GOVERNMENT and not the other way around! We have a Government that has over extended its role in our society. It has crept into our day to day lives in a way that should infuriate the individuals of this province. We have allowed them to become our protector, our employer, our sugar daddy, our doctor, our teacher, our moral compass... and our god. We rise and fall at the whim of government and their manipulations. We have traded our liberties for the security it claims to provide. We are quick to complain that a certain language group is getting prefered treatment when it comes to jobs in the civil service but not complain that we have a province that needs a civil service that has 1 employee for every 16 citizens... Do any of you really want to work for government? Do you want your kids becoming a consumer collecting a paycheque off the backs of the taxpayer? Are we here to change the people working the jobs or are we here to change the culture of government? As a person who is looking for real change I can not get my head around the foolishness that is being passed off as genuine political talk, we talk about issues not ideas. We speak about people, not about the system. We desire change but only a change that sees more English butts seated at SNB or some other ABC department in government, not a change that sees our government scale back to its proper size and function. I am an angry individual much like most of you... who cares what language I spoke first or where I went to school... I work for a living to pay taxes to support a Nation and a province that have made government a make work project, and would rather see more of my neighbors dependant on it than independant from it.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:35:36 +0000

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