Folks I got a story to tell you about my very first encounter with - TopicsExpress


Folks I got a story to tell you about my very first encounter with the law, and it’s all on account of me wanting to get a screw. Let me start from the beginning. I’m a dabbler, I dabble a bit here and a bit there, no, not the stock market, are you crazy. I just like to tinkle, you know open up things and probe with my hands and eyes. I was having trouble with my tellie, what’s a tellie, that’s what the folks from the UK call a TV, I see you haven’t seen any of those British shows, Mrs. Brown or Sherlock Holmes; they use that word all the time. Back then TV’s consisted of tubes, nuts, bolts, and screws so by dabbling I was able to get it going like brand new except I needed a screw or two. So I ran to the mall and I bumped into this dapper looking fellow and I asked him if he knew where I could get a screw, he says at the penthouse at the top of the mall. I not realizing what he meant I work my way to the elevator and the elevator man asks me what floor, to the penthouse, Then he says are you sure and I say where else can I get screw so then he says you’ve come to the right place. So we reach the top and this palooka looking thug greets me and asks me what I wanted so I say a screw or two. Then he asks me, the 200 hundred dollar model, no, then he says the 150 dollar one and I say no, then he says the 50 dollar piece, and I say no no that’s still too high. So he asks me, well how much are you willing to spend, two cents then with a smirk on his face he opens up a door and yells out hey Mac bring up the old cat. Just as he utters those words in rush 25 S.W.A.T. cops and they tell us we’re all under arrest for prostitution and before I could say another word they chain us up together and bring us to a paddy wagon and drive us to the courthouse. Sixteen half-dressed girls, two goons, and this well dressed dude who looked like a lady who I surmised was the ring leader. By this time I’m pleading with the lieutenant that I was only looking for a screw then he says that’s why you’re here. So we’re all thrown into a big holding cell with a bunch of other low lifers, mother rapers, father rapers, pick pocketers, and god knows what else. So here I am innocent mingling with a bunch of crooks. A few of the girls take notice of me and start winking and showing me their boobs, but by this time all I had on my mind was how was I going to get out of there. When it was my turn to make that one call I called my mama and she said she was going to ring my neck, so when I told her I was just dabbling the ring leader who was ease dropping asks me was I into the stock markets and I say to him I don’t affiliate myself with thugs and crooks then he gives me that dirty look and I just move away. It took me three days to prove my innocence but in the meantime my face was splattered all over town. Now I’m a persona non grata and to make matters worse I lost my job, got kicked out of school, but on the bright side I had a date with Sally, she’s one of the escort girls but she’s only been in the business two days so that doesn’t count. Omg you should see her, voluptuous and hot is all I can say. That’s her at the bottom of my page. Moral of the story when you dabble be careful when you need a screw cos you might get screwed at the end. Ciao Jimmy https://youtube/watch?v=wf6KynEMIsQ ************************************************** I sometimes posted my prank stories to my friend’s channels and here is a reply from one of them!!! ************************************************* I just couldn’t wait . . . so I had to come here to read the rest of the story . . . you poor thing . . . next time you need a screw be more careful . . . hahaha You are too funny my friend, always bring a smile on my face or make me laugh in tears . . . thank you . . . !
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 20:44:45 +0000

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