Folks, I/me/we are going to throw a wedding! This may be long but - TopicsExpress


Folks, I/me/we are going to throw a wedding! This may be long but hang on until the end. I have a veteran in our church who was part of the 2nd Ranger Company. He was a medic who tended to the wounded on the battlefield... After many years in the Army he was a nurse at Moncrief Hospital on Ft. Jackson and other places where he held the hands of dying vets when they had no family. This Army Ranger gave the best years of his life to our Nation... He is in my mind and heart a hero... and like so many others who fought their way in and out of Vietnam, his war has never really ended. Some years ago I would see him up at the VA hospital... He survived colon cancer, he survived kidney problems and is thankful to still have one. This morning I met with him because his cancer is back and the prognosis seems bleak. I sat there in tears as he told me how good God is and how much the Lord has done for him. He has been engaged for some time to a lady whom he credits with saving his life. They had planned a small ceremony... the plan was for perhaps cake and ice cream (Both have major health issues and limited incomes). They have simply asked me to do the paperwork at this point... This is what he said with tears in his eyes, She has done so much for me... I wanted her to have a wedding or at least a special ceremony but we need to get married in case something happens to me so that I know she will be taken care of. (Shared with permission) So here is the deal... we find out when the surgery is tomorrow and that will give us a timeline. I am thinking Wednesday night (one week out) or maybe two weeks from now depending on the surgery schedule. I have a free church and a free Pastor, now all I need is an army of HOPE! We might have it catered for free (currently chasing down that lead) or we might need to go another route with people (you/church) bringing food. If I can get some Officers or noncoms for a sword arch that would be cool... even better perhaps an honor guard of Veterans from our church and beyond in as much regalia as you have... I need a wedding cake, some decorations that come with decorators... I need a dj, maybe a musician... I need some servers and somebody to get some of those bubble things.... I need punch et al... Nothing has to be fancy but it has to be right... This may be this mans final wish and I intend to see it done because this morning God told me to throw a wedding and that is exactly what I am going to do. I will email our church and keep you posted... If you are friends with a Lori R. On facebook please do not repost or respond directly. They have no idea... all they know is that I said I would marry them and that I could do whatever I thought was appropriate. I will consult the bride once I have my arms around the project. This is the appropriate thing to do... like me if you agree! We are going to have us a wedding! And yes you are invited.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 17:52:10 +0000

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