Folks...I want to say something here. Not sure how it will come - TopicsExpress


Folks...I want to say something here. Not sure how it will come out, but here goes. Like many of you I have seen many things happen in my life time. I saw Castro take over Cuba (with Americas help) and then become a communist country and a threat to America. I saw John Kennedy stand toe to toe with Nikita Khrushchev and tell him he would blow the Soviet ships out of the water if they werent turned around. That was a very scary time, for not only America, but the whole world, as we stood poised on the brink of nuclear war. I watched as John Kennedy was killed in Dallas, TX and then the escalation of the Vietnam War by Lyndon Johnson. I also watched as both Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King were murdered. I saw civil unrest and riots over race and war. I saw our boys returning from a place called Vietnam, to be spit on and abused and degraded for serving their country and it broke my heart. That was the decade known as the 60s. Now, to fast forward to today, 2014. In all my life I have never been as afraid of what is happening in our country as I am now. President Obama has, and is continuing to decimate the very fabric of our nation. Our elected leaders are mere money grabbers that only want their pay checks and could care less about the welfare of America. I see reports of police and federal law enforcement all over America running amok and doing what they desire to anyone they so desire and our government is allowing it. Never in the history of this nation has a peoples been so divided by race and politics; not even during the Civil War. I fear we are on the very brink of a catastrophic war in America that will make the Civil War seem like a cake walk. I dont say this to scare anyone or be called a fear monger. I say this because I truly believe this is what is coming in the very near future. I know many of you will say, Trust in God and He will see us through., and to that I say, I do trust in God, but that doesnt stop me from being scared and concerned for my family, you, my friends, and my country. In all my life, I have never been this scared. So much is happening in America today that is very unnerving. Our rights and freedoms are being challenged at every turn. I dont have an answer to what we should do, except to pray to God for deliverance. Beyond that, I am clueless. I swore an oath to protect and defend my country at any cost against any enemy and will honor that oath til my death as I know many of you here will do as well. I just pray the it never comes to that, but I fear that it will. All I ask from everyone is to think on what I have said here. Agree or not, is of no consequence. Just ponder in your own minds and hearts what I said. God Bless All of You and God Bless America Thank You David Lee...
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 02:30:17 +0000

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