Folks, Obama may be a puppet but he has managed some foreward - TopicsExpress


Folks, Obama may be a puppet but he has managed some foreward movement: Crazy Right-Wing Myths About Obama, Debunked > AUTHOR: BRUCE LINDNER JANUARY 13, 2014 1:37 PM > 1) Obama takes too many vacations. > FACT: As of August 16th of 2013, Obama had taken 92 days of vacation > vs 367 for George W. Bush. > > 2) Obama has divided the nation. > FACT: Obama has done more to unite this nation than any president > since Lincoln. But hes up against a phalanx of 21st Century separatists, > racists and neo-fascists, some of whom have openly proposed seceding. Here. > let me hold that door for you. Besides; whos dividing the Republican party > into right wing and ultra-far right wings? Is Obama doing that too? Nope. > Look in a mirror Teabags. > > 3) Obamas policies are bankrupting America. > FACT: Reagan added $1.9 trillion to the debt. Bush Sr. added an > additional $1.5. Clinton added $1.4. Dubbya added $6.1. Obama has added less > than $3.0, the bulk of which was to offset the effects of the Bush > recession. Who holds that debt? China; $1.2 trillion. Japan; $900 billion. > The Fed; $1.6 trillion. The public; $3.6 trillion. Government trusts; $1.9 > trillion. Social Security; $2.7 trillion. So nice try, but no Kewpie doll > for you > > 4) Obamas a socialist. > FACT: Hardly. Obamas economic and social policies are to the right > of Kennedys, Eisenhowers, Nixons, and even some of Reagans. If Obamas a > socialist, then Eisenhower, who had a 91% top tax rate, was a Republican > Marxist. > 5) Obama lied about keeping your present healthcare insurance. > FACT: Lying and being wrong are two different things. Obama turned out > to be wrong, but he didnt lie. He appeared before the cameras 28 times, > repeating the exact same words - If you like your present policy, you can > keep it, knowing full well he was being recorded each time. If you believe > any president would deliberately set himself up like that, then Fox News is > indeed the place for you. > > 6) Obamas weak on foreign policy. > FACT: Osama bin Laden, the man who murdered 3,000+ Americans on 9/11 > is dead. Muammar Khaddafi, the man who blew 300+ Americans out of the sky is > dead. More al Qaeda terrorists were taken out under just Obamas first three > years than during the entire 8 years of Bushs War on Terrorism, where we > somehow managed to wind up in Iraq; a country that offered asylum to zero > terrorists. Nuff said. > > 7) Obama has taken sides with the Arabs against Israel. > FACT: I think that from my point of view as defense minister they > (American/Israeli relations) are extremely good, extremely deep and > profound. I can see long years, um, administrations of both sides of > political aisle deeply supporting the state of Israel and I believe that > reflects a profound feeling among the American people. But I should tell you > honestly that this administration under President Obama is doing in regard > to our security more than anything that I can remember in the past. In terms > of the support for our security, the cooperation of our intelligence, the > sharing of sorts in a very open way even when there are differences which > are not simple sometimes, Ive found their support for our defense very > stable. ~ Ehud Barak, former Prime Minister of Israel > > But what would he know? > > > 8) America is less safe under Obama than ever before.FACT: > 3,000 Americans killed by al Qaeda on 9/11, when George W. Bush was > president. Zero successful al Qaeda attacks on America under Obama. Do the > math. > > 9) Benghazi is Obamas 9/11. > FACT: There were 13 attacks on American embassies during the Bush > years, resulting in some 100 deaths. But Fox News and their rich-wing > cohorts has never mentioned them. Benghazi is something that happened to us, > not something the administration did. Im sorry you havent gotten the memo, > but Benghazi is just another Fox non-story. Same with the IRS scandal. > > 10) ObamaCare is Obamas 9/11. > See #9. > 11) Sandy Hook was Obamas 9/11. > See a shrink. > > 12) Solyndra! > FACT: Solyndra was a $500 million loan that didnt pay off. How much > is $500 million? Thats how much the Bush administration spent every 18 > hours on the Iraq War for five years - an expense no Republican ever > complains about. And what was our reward? 4,500 Americans killed, at least > 100,000 Iraqis killed, another 2 million Iraqis driven from their homes, the > emergence of the Shia awakening, and our reputation in a shambles. Thanks > Republicans. And youre upset about half a billion spent on Solyndra. > > 13) Iraq is falling to al Qaeda due to Obamas policies. > FACT: Had we not invaded Iraq in the first place, a war Obama opposed > 12 years ago, we wouldnt be seeing Falluja falling to al Qaeda. And who was > it that wrote the timetable for our Iraq exit two years ago? Oh, yeah; the > Bush administration. You might just as well blame Obama for Bushs > recession. Oh, wait - you do that too! > > 14) Obamas policies are anti-business. > FACT: The Dow Jones when Clinton entered office in January 1993 was at > 3,300. When he left office in January 2001: 10,662. Dow Jones when Bush left > office in January 2009: 9,034. Dow Jones today: 16,437. The Dow has more > than doubled in just the first five years of the Obama administration. Yes.. > Businessmen just hate that. > > 15) Obamas policies have resulted in massive unemployment. > FACT: When George W. Bush stumbled into office in January 2001, he > inherited a 4.3% unemployment rate from Bill Clinton. When he left office 8 > years later, the unemployment rate was 9.7% and rising fast. As of today, > that number is 6.7%, no thanks to the Republicans in Congress whove done > everything within their power to sabotage the recovery. > > During the eight years under George W. Bush, his policies created just > 1 million jobs (with another 2 million in the military). Since Barack Obama > was sworn in five years ago, 7.6 million jobs have been created, and there > are still three years left in his term. So, nice try. > > 16) Fast & Furious. > FACT: Another poorly conceived program left over from the Bush > administration that the GOP is trying to pin on Obama. Move along. > > 17) Liberals always try to deflect from Obamas record by bringing up > Bush. > FACT: Wrong-o, Bozo. We just like to rub your noses in your hypocrisy. > By intentionally ignoring, or even lying about Bushs record and focusing > instead on the above Fox News lies, youve liberated yourselves once again > from those pesky facts. So its become incumbent upon us to set the record > straight. To the contrary, conservatives are always trying to deflect from > the failures of the Bush years by telling the aforementioned lies. So what all we heard the entire Bush admin was whining about Clinton. > > 18) The deficit has skyrocketed under Obama. > FACT: The budget was balanced when Clinton left office in 2001 (in > fact, he left Dubbya with a $300,000,000,000 surplus). > > Eight years later, Bush left Obama with a $1,413,000,000,000 deficit > and a 9.8% deficit/GDP ratio. Most of which was due to Bushs > deficit-spending on the Iraq War, Medicare Part D and the two tax cuts that > largely went to the wealthy. > > Remember what Reagan taught us. Deficits dont matter. ~ Dick > Cheney. > Since Obamas election: > > a.. 2010 - $1,294,000,000,000 8.7% deficit/GDP > b.. 2011 - $1,300,000,000,000 8.4% deficit/GDP > c.. 2012 - $1,087,000,000,000 6.8% deficit/GDP > d.. 2013 - $680,000,000,000 4.1% deficit/GDP > e.. 2014 - $560,000,000,000 3.3% deficit/GDP > See a pattern developing? Furthermore, the United States is now > producing more oil than we import. Our overall trade deficit is at a four > year low, as imported oil continues to decline. GM, Ford and Chrysler are > all chugging along nicely, no thanks to a unified Republican/Teabigot party, > who were eager to sacrifice 2 million American jobs on their altar of Obama > Derangement Syndrome. > > The trade gap has fallen 12.9% to $34.3 billion as Obamas policies > have made American products and services more available abroad, while > Americans are increasingly buying more domestic products. The trade > imbalance is now lower than at any time since the beginning of the > recession, and the offshoring of American jobs has (finally) slowed to a > trickle. > > Our trade gap with China is down 6.7% (largely based on their taste > for American cars - see above), our trade gap with Japan is down 8.4% and > our trade gap with the European Union has dropped a whopping 29.4%. > > Are things perfect? No. Theres still much to be done. But the rumors > of Barack Obamas failures have been greatly exaggerated, and its time to > call these talking points what they are. lies. ?This president will go down > in history as a man who achieved some amazing accomplishments, especially > considering the unified opposition hes had to endure since Day One. > > So there you have it Fox News patriots, all your talking points shot > to hell in one FACT-based document. How do you like them apples?
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 03:08:41 +0000

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