Folks/Patriots; PLEASE invite every person you know. People who - TopicsExpress


Folks/Patriots; PLEASE invite every person you know. People who had ears, but could not hear; Eyes, but could not see, over the last few months, have had their disabilities miraculously cured as they have lost their jobs, taken part time jobs, and/or jobs that are of under-employment; And, as they see the news of not only President Barry Soetaro, but of both Houses of Congress, BOTH Parties and their hired alphabet soup agency THUGS that they send to coerce, oppress, and subjugate us! :( More and more people are beginning to see that Federal Elections of Republicans, and CERTAINLY Democrats only result in MORE and MORE usurpation and Federal spending as BOTH parties are using our IRS STOLEN wages, salaries and property to transfer to others, to crony corporations and to mega-banksters to buy elections from the American voting MOB. Now BOTH PARTIES are vying to be the FIRST to get the credit for passing AMNESTY and TRANSFERRING our money to the ILLEGALs for the 15 - 22+ million votes outta thin air. SO INVITE EVERYBODY you can think of to this Event site. You would be surprised how many Americans are fed up and realize that Federal Elections are actually THE PROBLEM because it is SOOOOO OBVIOUS that; in order to get elected Both Parties have to steal our money, wages, salaries and property, via the IRS, AND vastly increase public debt to transfer money, benefits and other costs, in campaign promises to get voted into office. Pretty soon our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our TENTH AMENDMENT law are going to HAVE TO send in their IRS SWAT to gun us to coerce us to pay for all of the public debt and unfunded liabilities. Somebody, sooner or later, is going to have to pay for all of that. The American People who SUPPORT The Rule of our Ninth and TENTH AMENDMENT LAWS by PEACEFUL State legislation called Joint State Sovereignty Resolution with Arrest Provision, which with its vital companion legislation to prepare all State and Local Law Enforcement agencies, shall lead up to incremental State nullification of all Federal spending, all usurpations, and all UNLAWFUL Acts of Congress and the Executive branch. These incremental State nullifications shall be ENFORCED by LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTION following each nullification; SO THEY CAN NO LONGER TREAD ON US ! TO JOIN US and to receive a copy of our State of Wisconsin Joint Sovereignty Resolution with Arrest Provision which you can have altered for application to your State and to Compel your State Reps to sponsor and facilitate the passage of our bill: Join our Event by clicking Going here: https://facebook/events/1464895897101312/?source=1 - Capt. Karl Dont tread on us we are not afraid You work for us we are not your slaves Don’t Tread on Us Youve crossed the line Soon youll pay for all your crimes After a long train of abuses and usurpation Now weve lost our patience Youre trying to kill our Constitution, to kill our pride, Now the wood is dry Dont tread on us we are not afraid You work for us we are not your slaves Don’t Tread on Us Youve crossed the line Soon youll pay for all your crimes If you keep pushing us into desperation, you will only fuel our determination It’s has been way too long since the last time, 1776, Now Weve done with your tricks Dont tread on us we are not afraid You work for us we are not your slaves Don’t Tread on Us Youve crossed the line Soon youll pay for all your crimes
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 05:12:20 +0000

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