Folks, let me introduce Sue Bush. She is awesome. Sue Bush I - TopicsExpress


Folks, let me introduce Sue Bush. She is awesome. Sue Bush I am NOT a Cop Hater Ms Noneya, and I resent the implication and defamation of my character in a public forum when we have never spoken or met, and your threats of denial of said services (while employed by said service providers) is duly noted and recorded.. 15 minutes ago · Edited · Unlike Sue Bush What exactly is your position/job title Ms Colleen Noneya? 13 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 Sue Bush How is it that you feel compelled to interfere with an ongoing investigation and then slander and threaten with denial of services those who are merely asking questions, in a public forum, while employed (and most likely posting from work) and still keep your job unless you are paid to do so? What is in it for you? 9 minutes ago · Edited · Unlike · 1 Jerry Vierra Getting a bonus to gather information. Heres some for you: CCSO Gijanto and Gjerde cleared norris of any wrong doing 19 days after the Murder of Cameron, and while norris was being investigated for 2nd degree murder, and before the county attorney had even seen the case. I call that a Smoke filled, whiskey bottle, back room shady deal. I openly confronted Gijanto on that issue, and he refused to answer. Should have seen his reaction at the FBIs office, when I asked him about the body bag. Very spastic, in front of an FBI Agent, who writes reports. Love what I do! about a minute ago · Like
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 20:39:26 +0000

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