Folks, the name on any ‘charging instrument’, e.g.: traffic - TopicsExpress


Folks, the name on any ‘charging instrument’, e.g.: traffic tickets, tax bills, statements, loans, lawsuits, debts, etc. is not your name. It is the name of a government-created corporation, cleverly disguised, in upper case letters, by the bureaucrats, to resemble your name. Do not blow off this fact. It is to deceive you into believing you are liable for its debts. You are not. Check the name on any government-issued ID you have. Your name is not on it. By the way, this applies also in reverse: what you think you ‘own’, e.g.: your house, because you think it is in your name, is not in your name, ergo, you do not own it. Im not just making this up ... this is what I practice almost religiously now. If I contract, I contract ... I agree to the terms of that contract and follow through. If I dont have a legitimate contract with a party and the other side cannot prove that I have, I wont pay. Its as simple as that. Always stay in honour. The trick is understanding when someone is trying to contract you and avoiding it in the first place. Its not rocket science but I appreciate from my own experiences it does take time for it all to sink in. Often knowing what not to do is as important as knowing what to do! Thats where this fantastic forum comes into its own. Remember ALL the answers are here. If you cannot find them all you have to do is ask Cliff York or other contributors. The Commerce Game was set up by the Global Elite/World Bank to confiscate your funds and property in order to make economic slaves of the entire population of a New World Order under their complete control. The only law in existence today is Contract Law. What you think of as ‘laws’ are only statutes and do not apply to you; they apply only to corporations. If you have no contract with the entity from which you receive a charging instrument, you are not financially liable ... and ... you couldn’t possibly have a contract because corporations cannot lawfully contract. What you signed was a unilateral, and hence, unenforceable contract. All Law is Commerce; All Commerce is Contract; No Contract – No Case. There is not one government agency, department, or ministry in the world that can prove that you must pay what we have all been indoctrinated to believe we are ‘bound by law’ to pay. Do not fall for this incredible deception any longer. Your ticket to financial freedom is to REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE . The only way out of this mess is to remove ourselves from the Commerce Game – completely – so that we are no longer dependent upon banksters. Their sole agenda is to control and destroy us. The only way to win is not to play. Compensation which involves the banks is hazardous; we can create for ourselves all that is way bigger and better – love and light, peace and joy, compassion and forgiveness – that which we were meant to Be, Do, and Have. By remembering who we are we will learn to do what we love to do and serve ourselves by serving others, thereby leaving the banksters completely out of our new way of life. It is happening :-)
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 07:09:37 +0000

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