Folks, there was a lot of confusion and misinterpretation - TopicsExpress


Folks, there was a lot of confusion and misinterpretation concerning something that was said on this page in the past few days. Please allow me to clarify: Dad had made it very clear to us some time ago that if he should become sick to the point of being incoherent and in the hospital, that he did not want to be paraded in front of everyone. The reason for this is because he does not want everyones last memory of him to be one of him in this state. He wants everyones last memory to be one of him being vibrant and full of life so that it doesnt hurt as much when the time comes for him to shed this mortal body and be given a new one with our Lord (Dad selflessly thinking about everyone but himself, as usual). Unfortunately, Dad has moved to the point of being incoherent, at least for part of the time. When he was in the hospital for the past few days, his condition was really bad. On a given day, we were lucky if we got to have a 20 minute conversation where he was coherent. Because of this, the comment was made that the time for visiting him has passed, or something to that effect. This particular comment has been misinterpreted, and we can see how it was. For that we apologize. We would NEVER, under any circumstance, bar our family from seeing him. What we meant is that we would like to keep visitation to family and very close friends in order to cut down on the amount of chaos that dad is exposed to. Please understand that it is nothing personal and that we only have his comfort, wishes, and best interest in mind; he is our number one priority. He becomes tired very easy now, and unfortunately his consciousness is directly correlated to how much energy he has. When he is very tired and incoherent, he gets confused easily and it is very hard on him. Having a lot of traffic coming and going only exacerbates the problem. We are happy to have him home now on hospice per his wishes, and it has made a great difference for him. He has had a good day today so far, but he is tired and fast asleep now. It is my understanding that a lot of our family members are curious as to when they may come and visit. We ask that you please call us and ask when you can come and we will do our best to accommodate you. We also ask that if we tell you that now is not the time, to be understanding and know that we are doing our best to make sure everyone gets to see him and we will work you in as his condition allows. This is hard on all of us, but if we come together as a family, we will make it through. - John.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 20:04:35 +0000

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