Folks, this is certainly about Justice for Arfee -- this page and - TopicsExpress


Folks, this is certainly about Justice for Arfee -- this page and the passion of the majority here on the page. The tragedy of Arfees death is a national epidemic that found its way to our local community. It arrived by way of one who is sworn to serve and protect the community. It arrived by one who We provide a salary for. And as it always goes, other officers sworn to serve and protect conspired together to hush the incident and all are now being protected by the law enforcement institution and political superiors. The tragedy of Arfees death involves the general corruption of our law enforcement institutions and politicians. If we want to have an impact as a community, if we want to be a part of the solution rather than the problem as a result of silent submission, then we cannot so passively continue to simply beg leadership for change nor be so gentle about it... how gentle was David Kelley with Arfee? Our voice that change WILL HAPPEN must be made known. The system has turned upside down - it was always supposed to be the peoples demands/will being represented as opposed to the peoples demands being controlled by the politicians who we employ to do as we authorize them. In other words - politicians have hijacked Our authority and it is for us to make it known that we wont allow it. If being passive, docile, and politically correct is more your persuasion, then this page and movement for Justice may not be for you. We want action, we need action, we want your involvement. We need the members of this community who are strong, bold, and tired of corruption at all levels to rise up and be heard. Arfees death illustrates the danger that all of us in the community face at the hands of our citys law enforcers, and the political powers who back them up to give them immunity from consequence of prosecution. We need your participation with marching, holding signs, and being a visible example of the numbers who are sick and tired of these sort of things occurring. Not everyone has to be so vocal, but we do need one another -- those willing to participate in another rally, as well as those willing to be vocal and expressive of the distrust and disgust that you feel about police getting away with these things with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. As mentioned, IF a 2nd rally comes to fruition, it will involve both a march, and then a forum where individuals can speak at a mic and on camera before all those in attendance. Youll be free to speak your voice as you see fit at that time.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 19:12:35 +0000

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