Folks todays announcement that MA Congressman John Tierney has - TopicsExpress


Folks todays announcement that MA Congressman John Tierney has decided to co-sponsor H.R. 3892 is a good win. Especially since Rep. Tierney is the only MA democrat on the House Education Committee where our bill currently sits. You know what they say, strike while the iron is hot. Their is some energy beginning to build on this board and I am on a mission. I have no chance whatsoever without some help from you all. I intend to deliver the entire Massachusetts legislative delegation as co-signers of H.R. 3892 by the end of April. This means 9 Representatives. As a bonus, I intend to have a companion bill introduced into the Senate by that same date. That means that we need to convince Senator Elizabeth Warren to actually begin to take this seriously. To great dismay, after having pounded pavement for months and serving as a delegate for her nomination, I have come to the realization that the Senior Senator from MA may be amongst the largest obstacles we have to overcome. It may anger some to hear me say this, but please believe me, I do not make this statement without having spoken at length, on many occasions with Senator Warrens Education Counsel, Dr. Julie Morgan, and careful examination of the astonishingly weak and actions she has taken. I will post a strong example of her new organization Higher Ed Not Higher Debt. You decide for yourself, but the stated goals of this entity would be too tame for a Kindergarten civics class. So Warren is off the reservation....very disappointing, lets just move on. I dont think its that simple. Warren has engaged herself with virtually every so called advocacy group ever known to have never actually done anything to advance this issue. Moreover, Warren has been unofficially anointed as a savior and champion who will carry the torch for reforming the current system. I believe this is an obstacle we cannot afford to simply go around. Warren appears to be holding the company line and large portions of the electorate. The bottom line is that I beieve that what Warren is doing actually impedes our progress. I know I have asked a lot of the national board for my work here in MA. While we are not the biggest state, we do happen to have one of the most entrenched and powerful. A sweep in MA, would be a huge momentum boost. I will be posting a few links to websites that offer opportunities to make comments. I will be posting email addresses to several Warren staff. Please, help me soften her up a little like you did with Rep. Tierney. Lets do this. If nothing else, let politicians like Warren know we are here and were aware.thenation/blog/178724/campaign-address-student-loan-crisis-launches#
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 04:32:12 +0000

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