Follow me on Twitter: @RafaGOP It is about PR, Stupid! Rafael - TopicsExpress


Follow me on Twitter: @RafaGOP It is about PR, Stupid! Rafael Elias October 1, 2013 If I kept just discussing everything that Barack Obama does wrong, everything that he does that is contrary to the best interests of our great nation, whether it is foreign policy or domestic issues, I would spend the rest of my life pounding the keyboard. Besides, there is nothing I can tell you about his performance (figure of speech) that you don’t already know. Instead, I want to continue hammering away the point I’ve been trying to make for a while. We Republicans and Conservatives are losing the message war! We see it in every single poll. Our views may be shared by most of the country by a wide margin, and then the democrats and the Obama teams (including of course, his lapdog media) begin to flood the airwaves with misinformation, propaganda, and outright lies. Before you know it, we end up lagging in those very same polls we were leading not too long ago. This has been repeated so many times that by now it should be obvious that they are successfully managing and manipulating public opinion to match their policies while we stay put and watch that happen, and watch out favorability be chipped away little by little (or worse, as is happening now, in leaps and bounds!) in every single instance, every single day. I am so frustrated! The most recent point-in-case: democrats and Obamanites alike (again, including the media) have defined us lately as everything from terrorists, arsonists, and hostage takers, to obstructionists, out-of-touch, and extremists. Nowhere to be found are the Republican and Conservative voices that go to every Sunday talk show, to every radio station, to every Cable channel and refute these accusations and call those that perpetrate them what they are: agitators and liars. Where is the Republican voice that goes on air and challenges these propagandists asking the in what planet is striving for a government that lives within its means extremist? In what planet other than in Obama-la-la-land is asking for less government intrusion a radical concept? In what scenario is trying to stop the runaway national debt something bad for the country? In what mind is it reasonable to assert that Americans should accept a health insurance law that looks absolutely nothing like what the president promised? Where are the Republican voices that make these simple, clear points to the American people? Where is the Conservative leader that will dare go wherever the audiences are and defend our Constitutional values in everyday, kitchen-table terms? Where is the Republican mass media deployment that answers every one of Obama’s unfounded yet virulent (and sadly, effective) attacks? Are we really going to “Romney-away” our path to 2014 allowing them (of all people) to define us and to tell voters who we are not? It is definitely about PR, stupid, and we are stupidly doing nothing about it! We must find new faces, new voices, and new surrogates. Nobody listens to Speaker Boehner anymore; or to Rep. Eric Cantor, or to any of the people that we have seen fail time and again reach the imagination of the American people. The last effective spokesperson I have seen speaking for the Republicans is Chairman Priebus, but he is only one man and cannot possibly carry the whole responsibility on his shoulders. Moreover, where the hell is the messaging strategy? Is there even such a thing as a war room in the party? In Congress? If there are, nobody sees it! It is about PR, stupid. And I say it again: we are being very, very stupid by allowing the Obamanites dictate the tone of the public discourse, define us, misrepresent our values, and distort our image … all the while we are doing … exactly what?
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 02:08:35 +0000

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