Follow the great steel plates through the foundries, see the - TopicsExpress


Follow the great steel plates through the foundries, see the thousands of men employed in their production. Go still further back, and see the ore as it comes from the mine, see it loaded on barges or cars, see it melted and properly treated Go back still further and see the architect and engineers who planned the vessel. Let the thought carry you back still further in order to determine why they planned the vessel. You will see that you are now so far back that the vessel is something intangible, it no longer exists, it is now only a thought existing in the brain of the architect. But from where did the order come to plan the vessel? The order probably came from the Secretary of Defense. But probably this vessel was planned long before the war was thought of, and that Congress had to pass a bill appropriating the money. Possibly there was opposition, and speeches for or against the bill. Whom do these Congressmen represent? They represent you and me, so that our line of thought begins with the Battleship and ends with ourselves, and we find in the last analysis that our own thought is responsible for this and many other things, of which we seldom think, and a little further reflection will develop the most important fact of all and that is, if someone had not discovered the law by which this tremendous mass of steel and iron could be made to float upon the water, instead of immediately going to the bottom, the battleship could not have come into existence at all. ▲
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 01:26:12 +0000

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