Following a call from Hol Chans Kirah Forman, we went out to find - TopicsExpress


Following a call from Hol Chans Kirah Forman, we went out to find a dead stingray by the shores of Boca del Rio. The southern stingray (Dasyatis americana) had died after being hooked by a fisher and hauled onto land and left to suffocate. It was a mature female. We made the most of her and took a range of samples for both further analysis and show and tell in our Kids Meet Sharks program. IF YOU HOOK A RAY and cant take the hook out, cut the wire or mono and try to push the ray back in the water. Rays are worth far more alive than dead, especially in San Pedro where rays form a significant component of the shark and ray tourism worth millions annually.
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 23:52:15 +0000

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