Following is the S.O.C. report for Rescue 2: COMPANY OPERATIONS - TopicsExpress


Following is the S.O.C. report for Rescue 2: COMPANY OPERATIONS REPORT Rescue Co. 2 Operations: Day 1, Tuesday, TIME: 0847 hrs COMPANY DATE. September 11 The entire off-duty company assembled at the quarters of Rescue 2. After assembling fire gear and all available tools that we could carry, the company was divided into three teams. Each team consisted of an officer and 6 or 7 firefighters. A NYC Transit bus was stopped outside of quarters and commandeered for transportation to the box. In route BF-4s were made out for each team. Rescue 2 arrived approximately 10 to 15 minutes after Tower 1 collapsed. We reported in to DC Haring at the base of City Hall Park. After handing in our BF-4s we attempted a three-pronged attack not knowing the expanse of the collapse zone. No masks or handi-talkies were available so multiple operations were conducted simultaneously. This was mostly independent of any other unit. Searches were made in the remaining lobby of the Marriott Hotel. Several crushed members were discovered but were heavily pinned and not removable. Some tools were discovered from Ladder 113 at this time and removed to the street. Members continued to search until ordered out of the building. Simultaneously, members attempted to respond to several Mayday transmissions, one by Ladder 6, another by two unknown members. There was great difficulty in determining exact locations with limited visibility and no remaining building as a reference point. Searches were then begun on the remains of Tower 1. FF Kiesling had climbed a column atop the debris and discovered a live male victim. He lowered him to members below using a search rope. A human chain was formed and the male victim was removed down the pile and up the building remains to West Street. Members were then removed from the remains of Tower 1 due to collapse fears. WTC Building 7 collapsed approximately at this lime. Searches were then begun in the area between Tower 1 and the Marriott Hotel and on West Street in the area in front of the Winter Garden. Several apparatus were found MSU, Ladder 105. TSU 1, along with several unidentified members. When the Command Post was discovered several members assisted in the removal of Chief of Dept Ganci & Asst. Commissioner Feehan. The searches between Tower 1 and the Marriott Hotel were hampered by extreme heat and smoke and few voids could be entered. Lt. Hosles team then responded to a report of two PAPD members trapped on Liberty Street. He called for a line and assisted in their removal. Member continued to search until 2300 hours when exhaustion had taken its toll. Two teams were ordered to sleep while the third continued to search the Liberty Street side. No additional live victims were found. 9/12/01 Wednesday At 0700 two teams began searching the top of the remains of Tower 1. The remains of stairway B was found at this time along with several members of R-l. Entry was made into a stairway void and down several landings until no stairway remained. The body of DC Prunty was found at this time but was not removed. FF Somin heard a voice calling and broke through a sheet rock wall to discover a live female victim. She was due out and removed to the top of the stairway, packaged and removed down the pile and up the building remains to West Street. Ropes and portable ladders were used to facilitate this. Operations continued at the top of Tower 1. Battery operated Hurst tools and sawzalls were used to cut away the stairs to get to the members entrapped in them. Multiple void entries were made in the area at the base of Tower 1 and area in front of the Winter Garden. After 1800 and until 0200 the next day void entries were made on West Sheet in the area of the parking garage ramps. Entry to the Bl level was accomplished but halted due to extensive flooding and pancake collapse. 9/13/01 Thursday Operations at the top of Tower 1 in the B stairwell continued. Several members from different companies were removed. Void entries were made on the Liberty Street side of Tower 2. This led to the parking garage under the Marriott Hotel. Entry was made into the air handling control room on the B3 level and into several stairways. Searches in these areas were negative except for one member from E-217. Due to the extensive way that he was entrapped he was left in place. Void entry in this same area was repeated later on the same day with structural engineers from FLA-1 task force. These later entries reached the B5 level and continued under the Marriott Hotel reaching the refrigeration area between both towers. Searches of all cars found and stairways were negative. 9/14/01 Friday For the first three days 9/11/01 to 9/13 01 all members worked at the site 24 hours a day sleeping in shifts. At 0700 on 9/14/01 Rescue 2 divided into three groups A. B. & C. Each group worked 12 hours on at the WTC and 24 hours off. We continued this until 9/21/01 when the schedule was changed to 24 hours on and 48 hours off. Operations at the top of Tower 1 in the B stairwell continued. More members were removed. Additionally, several members were recovered on West Street in the vicinity of the Winter Garden. 9/15/01 Saturday Operations at the top of Tower 1 in the B stairwell continued. Several members were also recovered on Liberty Street in the vicinity of the 90 West Street. Void entry was made into a stairway between both towers. Three levels down the remains of a NYPD officer was found in a total pancake collapsed area but he could not be removed. Additional void entries were made in the plaza area between both towers. Searches were negative except for several unidentifiable victim parts. 9/16/01 Sunday Operations at the top of Tower 1 in the B stairwell continued. Several additional members were also recovered on West Street. Void entry was made into a stairway on the Church & Vesey Street corner which led to a passageway behind the stores on the concourse level. This was followed to the parking area of the PAPD. Additional searches in this area led to the remains of the old PATH tubes. This was followed until led to the collapsed area of Tower 2. No further entry could be made. Searches in this area were negative. 9/17/01 Monday Operations at the top of Tower 1 in the B stairwell continued. Several additional members were also recovered on West Street. Void entry was made into the subway area via the Vesey Street entrance. Searches in this area were negative. Additional void entries were made into the stores on Church Street through the concourse level and down into the PATH train in the station. The train was searched but further exploration was stopped due to secondary collapses. Search results were negative. The remaining days were spent in continuous void search and body recovery. On 10/1/01 SOC went to a rotating schedule with a Rescue Company and a Squad Company on the site at all times. That continued until 10/31/01 when only one SOC unit was assigned per daily rotation. The A.B.C group rotation was kept in place until 12/24/01. During this time, five of the seven members lost on 9/11 were recovered by this unit. Two remain missing. Recovered: Lt Peter Martin, FF William Lake, FF Daniel Libretti, FF KevinORourke, FF Lincoln Quappe Missing: FF. Edward Rail, FF. John Napolitano Rescue 2s apparatus and all tools carried on it were lost. A separate report dealing with this has already been sent
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 16:03:25 +0000

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