Following my post on the shift, now consciously uploaded according - TopicsExpress


Following my post on the shift, now consciously uploaded according to HD precepts, that could be for any manner of reasons (the point being the empirical reality that it is), which has moved our life cycle from the 30 year saturnian cycle to the 80 year Uranian cycle, changing the aging logarithm so that our individual evolution has us at age 40 where our ancestors were at 15, here is an intergenerational meeting of funny minds. :) Evidently, this shift is taking time. However, the Pluto in Leo generation - born 1939-1957 - have pushed it through in a profound way. Not only do we live longer now, but our best or most empowered years may be in fact come much later than we are conditioned to believe. So here is John Cleese of the Pluto in Leo generation shooting the breeze with Jon Stewart. It struck me listening to Cleese that the shift in consciousness that people are intuiting rests very much on the moving out of this particular generation. Never has their been a generation like theirs, in the history of mankind. Even if we were to look back a couple of hundred years to the last time Pluto was in the house of the Sun, it would not apply because Pluto hadnt been discovered then (and thats a head-scratcher, but it is what it is). They have had a fantastic run at life, many of them legends without equal, whether that be in their own minds or that of the public, and much freedom, release and redemptive drive was born of this crowd. However, we also saw in this period with a tremendous darkening of the light (Pluto bringing the underworld into the realm of the sun), albeit initiated by the preceeding Pluto-Cancer generation. Their legacy was one of darkness, and their legacy to us needs to be examined in terms of what variety of brink it is we are teetering on. Pluto rules scorpio, where the fear of death, of expiring, of mortality is implacable and profound. Being highly conscious of death makes many a scorpio highly proficient at life, and this is also this generations gift to humanity. However, theres no easy way to say this. The fear that is building in their collective psyche about their own demise is creating a sense of impending doom and destruction. So extreme is this fear and sense of failure - at not actually attaining immortality - that it is being transmuted into an obsession with death. Cleese is a breezy and accountable individual, but there is something very telling in the manner in which this generation expresses the lack of caring they espouse as they enter retirement, and the twilight years. Not all members of this generation are concertedly destructive, but almost all of them are more predisposed to a sense of relief, dare I say hand-rubbing, that the world is going to hell in a handbag, so its likely no one will survive their demise. If they are to die, so must we all - a bit like the pharoahs of ancient Egypt, who took all their personnel with them when they died, an escort to provide service in the afterlife. There are apparently factions amongst the obscenely rich members of this generation, who would have it that in order to *save* humanity, we must reduce the worlds population to half a billion - this in order to offset global warming. However, their logic does not add up. The sterilisation-by-vaccination programmes that have been going on in poorer parts of the world since the 1950s have not reduced numbers in communities that pollute and threaten the worlds resources. It is a spurious claim which is really founded on a deep genocidal drive. To put it blankly, the writing on the wall is pretty much if were going to die, youre all coming with us. The end of the world as we know it may indeed be nigh, and there is great darkness ahead if we look at the likelihood of WWIII, environmental and ecological havoc, economic crises and corruption on a scale the imagination can barely encompass. I daresay we will know more about where we are headed within the next 6 months or so. But there is a caveat here, which might be coined by the Chinese character for *crisis*, which combines *danger* and *opportunity*. Just as we approach darkness, we begin to appreciate and become aware of the light and what it can do. So, even as the Pluto in Virgo generation may not seem to have much of a trajectory in comparison to the preceding generation, because they seem in traditional terms to be getting past it themselves, the time will come when the Pluto-Leo lot finally leave office and retire from power - if indeed they need to be pushed. This is where the challenge is for us - taking the power out of their hands, because frankly, if we dont, were screwed. You could call it a Cinderella paradigm, in which to survive at all we must take power, for it will never be handed over. No one can empower us but ourselves, and the Virgo power comes into its own in a restorative and mutative fashion. Its all about cleaning up after the party is over (Virgo being the sign that follows Leo). But it is not as mundane as that. Virgo, as much as any earth sign, is fundamentally alchemic in nature. The Leos create, and make a lot of noise doing so; the virgoans mutate, in a spiritual fashion informed by an honouring of the material realm and the spirits within it. Leo is the human ego, Virgo is Gaia, and natures creative powers, as well as scientific apprehension of natures laws. Virgo is the shaman. There is nothing that cannot be recuperated, without consciousness of the facts. If we see this time as a generational shift, a changing of the guard, rather than as a time for our imminent demise - a fear nourished massively by the Pluto in Leo terror - then we can act accordingly. This is not by way of stigmatising an entire set of people, who after all have given so much of themselves, some true greats numbered among them, on the contrary. This is a time of helping them coming to terms with leaving their posts and departing this realm when the time comes. They are holding on to their lifes work with an admirable tenacity that is a lesson to anyone who thinks life is just about clocking into our days with a yawn. There is little surprise in the fact that they hold their children somewhat in contempt over this very issue - living to maximum potential. But, getting this generation to care about what happens when they are gone, and creating a paradigm shift right there may in fact be a mission worth considering. Every shift in consciousness on the micro level is going to move the macro level on out. Talking about getting old, relinquishing power, facing the curtain call is imperative now. We cant tiptoe around the issue of death, because we empower fear that way. The reason Im focusing on the Pluto-Virgo generation here is that, although they may never be truly public and obviously powerful as a group (although all times have their powerful), and will be more likely to collaborate with subsequent generations than their forebears, the truth is that we are a generation that in the main does not fear death so much. We understand the cycle of life, the possibility of other realms, dimensions, universes, spiritual incarnations. We are the healers, and turning the tables on our predecessors and bringing that alchemic healing power to them, frightening though that may be cos theyre an impressively intimidating lot, lets face it, is the challenge we must step up to. In some respects, the Lord of the Rings foretold this juncture - that of the unpowerful taking up their mandate to put an end to the death-wish manifesting through the corruption and infamy that has arisen. But it wont do to try and achieve this in some direct fashion - the journey with the Ring is a journey inward, to where the power for transformation really lies for the future. Because Mr Cleese, we have a problem, and that problem is that your generation doesnt care what happens. In fact, *the worse, the better*, is the present zeitgeist we are feeling. So, step up folks. If youre still reading this ^_^
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 09:20:58 +0000

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