Following on for Ish, 1st Team Match Report by Ben Crowder: A - TopicsExpress


Following on for Ish, 1st Team Match Report by Ben Crowder: A Tale of Two Halves. Raynes Park home at fortress Battersea Park. As everyone dribbled into the media changing room, some perky, some hanging, while most were genuinely surprised to see so many of the XV actually there on time. If Im honest we probably had too much preparation time, certainly more than Media are used to. Despite having time to shake hands to one another, introduce ourselves, run through backs moves and the forwards line out calls, something was missing. We were flat. Despite Borris trying his best to tell us this...The game started and immediately we put Raynes Park under pressure, but due to a series of unforced errors we gave them a sense of self believe. We gave away a penalty (none of us, including the referee actually sure what it was for). To Medias disbelief their prop who was fatter than our very own Matty, stepped up inside his own half to kick for goal. I for one put all my money on him missing, however he completely pummelled it through the sticks! He continued to drill them from the half way line again and again. All of sudden we were in a tricky situation, we were 9-0 down against a very average bunch of South African rugby players and to make matters worse we were losing to a goal kicking prop! We managed to reply fairly quickly and Hugh sensibly gave Justin the chance to secure 3 points, which to his credit he converted effortlessly. However it didnt take long for BGD to add to our score board. His experience and power made a mockery of their defence, helped by a great break down the left wing from Hugh and then finished off under the posts by yours truly. We were back in the game. Half time came and there were some pretty low heads. We all knew wed played a bad half. The basics werent coming together and we had been sloppy. The oppo must have gone into their huddle with their heads held high. However cooler heads prevail. We are lucky enough to not only have a huge amount of talent in this club, but some wise old owls to compliment them. Keep your heads up lads weve got this in the bag, back to basics and well take the WIN, George said! I think I counted about 30 seconds until Media scored in the second half...suddenly it felt like the table had turned. We completely dominated scrums and the referee had no choice but to change to uncontested scrums. The forwards took control with Andre the giant bullying his way around the pitch knocking over the oppo like they were ten pins at the local bowling alley and scored without breaking a sweat. Matt Barnes got himself a couple of strikes and continued to ferociously pierce the game line. Cookie definitely had his Wheetbix for breakfast...he came flying from the 22, picking the sweetest lines rugby can offer to earn himself and the team another 5 points. Jonnie joined the party and got himself one in the corner which was fully deserved. Special mention must go to Justin (who simply couldnt be bothered to wait for the kicking tee as he was in the far corner of the pitch) to drop kick another 2 points and add to our ascending score board. The skip made sure his name was on this long list of try scorers also. Wayno who is yet to have a bad game in a black and white jersey popped me a lovely weighted pass inside our 22 which was perfect for the gap and I could only do the honourable thing and put it down over their try line. This was a completely different Media, the one we know and love to play for...We were a force to be reckoned with and Raynes Park didnt like what wed done to them, made them an embarrassment. Sadly the game ended on a very sour note, with 2xRed cards awarded after a few handbags were thrown. However the damage was well and truly done by then. Wayno, the wise old owl that he is, made sure every Media player shook hands with his opposite man and look them in the eye. Lekka bru! Bring on two weeks time. Lets build from here, enjoy it embrace it, drink it in, love it and most importantly honour it. London Media 39-9 Raynes Park. MOM Andre. DOTD - the guy who through the punch
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 08:08:38 +0000

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