Following the Government’s directive to end illicit brew in the - TopicsExpress


Following the Government’s directive to end illicit brew in the Country, the war on illicit brew in Bomet County intensified yesterday when Sotik District Commissioner conducted a raid on several homes which are considered brewing dens in the region. Mr. Elmi Shaffi who is the Sotik District commissioner led the officers from the provincial Administration in raiding several homes in Chebirbilek,Kamungei and Kimawit Sub-locations where several liters of illicit brew was recovered. He issued a stern warning on the suspected brewers adding that he will not relent in the war against illicit brew and reiterated that those found in the practice will face the wrath of the law. He advised them to detest from brewing and drinking and instead engage in other activities i.e. farming. He said they have zoned Sotik into five zones and has deployed his officers into the specific zones and has ordered chiefs and their assistants to make returns every Thursdays for monitoring the progress in the fight against illicit brew. He noted that two assistant chiefs in Sotik Distict have resigned citing pressure and unable to submit returns and have returned their uniforms and have quit the provincial administration. The chiefs Paul Kirui of Kipsangaru sublocation and Richard Rugut of Koiyet sublocations threw in the towel and resigned due to peer pressure. He said they were encountering many challenges which hamper their efforts in fighting the vice citing the terrain and constant rain in the region which make their work hard in dealing with the vice. He however blamed the residents for colluding with the suspected brewers who in turn alert the brewers over phones whenever the police launch raids and urged the public to volunteer information and help end the trend. According to recent statistics released, Bomet County is among the Counties with the high number of illicit brewers in the Country, a situation which has been occasioned by high number of idleness among the youths.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 09:01:54 +0000

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