Following the Leak Yesterday as I was hurrying through a busy - TopicsExpress


Following the Leak Yesterday as I was hurrying through a busy day, I had a moment, as I often do, when a very important message came shooting into my mind like a falling star! Out of nowhere (or as Wayne Dyer plays with the word “now-here”) the thought “The issue is not always as it seems” appeared. I had just written an article on not really knowing what we think we know, so it seemed to be a reasonable follow up. When I have this type of awareness, randomly out of context, I tend to take it very seriously. I practice listening to my deeper self a lot, as I have found great comfort and success in the wisdom that is present even if my “Created Self” or my Identity is not. As I moved through my day I kept this message with me. Later in the evening, I felt off. To use the term of Abraham, “Out of alignment.” The contrast of feeling good and then feeling bad is our natural barometer signaling there is some force at work within us and it would be best to return to the Helm, so to speak. I checked in with the four elements, Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. There was a gap in the flow of all four! Often I can identify one or two but this was a significant leak! It is like following a leak in a pipeline. The water (Life) seems to be coming out in one place but not originating there. One needs to look deeper into the cause. Especially as in this case, when there is no apparent problem. By the end of the evening I was really aware that the leak was getting increasingly large. Since I had not given it much attention throughout my busy day, I found myself with eyes wide open at 11 pm. This was not going to be put to rest just because I wanted sleep. Now that I had stopped all the doings of distraction it was apparent it needed my full attention. I ran a check list of my feelings and compartmentalized them as to what my Deeper Self was having me realize. Separation is often the root experience we perceive, that leads to fear, which leads to anxiety. Hence following the leak! In my previous essay “The Narrow Gate” I explored the fear of all fears, The Illusion of “I am not.” This is the illusion of separation; the thought that we are not safe, that we are different, and truly alone. This is at the core of much anxiety in our mind’s perception. This is the cause of many a leaky pipe! “Security?” ah yes the illusive feeling of security. We feel secure, then insecure and so on throughout our life of learning. Looking for security in a world that is constantly changing; building, as C.S. Lewis phrased it, faith out of a house of cards. We are wise and intelligent Beings, we can sense when we are putting our bets on a fault line. I found myself unconsciously returning to the outdated habit of wanting to put my security in a place I could not control. I knew it, and my alarm system worked perfectly! “The Fault Line” Step away from the edge! If one is not feeling confident, it is wise not to go peeking over cliffs while the ground is shaking! Come back to what you know to be real. It may be that this is a time to pause. To just let the ground move a little, and know that the shaking will stop. It always does. The important part is that we are probably not in our most effective hour, when we are feeling unstable. Perhaps what we need is just compassion, understanding and Love. We are so busy trying to fix what we fear, that we create more fear. We can, just pause, and stop adding more movement to the movement. Allow time to pass gently by, as it will and accept that Life is about change. As The Buddha said “Fortune changes like the swish of a horse’s tail.” we don’t have to micro manage every detail in our lives. There is a force at work, and we can just hold the vision of our deepest wisdom and build our faith from that which is everlasting, our own True Love. Sometimes the best doing is no doing at all. Soon, as the smoke clears the sense of comfort can return, because we did not add more chaos to what is naturally chaotic and then we can feel a sense of empowerment. We can see that we are not working against the Nature of Change but with her. We feel a deep security in what “Trust” really means. We trust the one who Is Trust. Not something on some far away plain that requires passage over the impassable. It is within us that the oneness with all life resides. It will not be found in an external world, but within our own loving hearts. It is the journey of our Soul, The return to Love. The homecoming of our Identities joined with the peace of presence. This is the only true home. This is where we come from and where we return to. This is Love. It takes a great willingness to let go of our judgments and perceptions and allow the flow of life to move naturally throughout the channel. It is wise to listen to our indicators when we are leaving The Tao (The Way), and realign with the source that creates universes. Truly that Source is within our reach. In fact it is inherent within us. It is only the logic of the mind which sometimes loses track of its place as a tool in life not as its Source. When we practice Love, we are efficient at life. When we practice fear we are deficient. The choice is always ours. And as The Course in Miracles states, there are only two choices, and one does not count. Peace, Compassion, Wisdom ~M~ © 10/16/2013 Mary S Corning maryscorning@gmail 971.264.4094
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 16:16:07 +0000

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