Following the historical achievement at Bishoftu city of Oromia in - TopicsExpress


Following the historical achievement at Bishoftu city of Oromia in 2014 .Irrecha , Oromo thanks giving is now the biggest festival in the continent of Africa and it is clearly recognized as the hidden treasure for tourism industry and peaceful co existence for the people of Oromia , Ethiopia and Africa . That is why I have been advocating for the institutional development of emergency medical care services as the two institutions is paramountly important : emergency medical care university of Bishoftu , Oromia east Africa and Oromia flying doctors . I hope this will transform health care , culture , economic life of people and social integration of the Horn of Africa . Follow the advocacy link and pages below with its contents . https://facebook/nure.adem.5/posts/714572815262894 . To move Bishoftu city ,Oromia , Ethiopia and Horn of Africa to the next higher level on sustainable basis in terms of emergency medical care services . It is very imperative now more than any other time and let us join hand in hand establish the two most needed emergency medical care services at the strategic city of Bishoftu, Oromia : Oromia flying Doctors and Emergency medical care University of Bishoftu , Oromia East Africa ! Happy Irrecha 2014 and brain storm on the need of this two health institutions to change live of millions in to better future .( Nure Adem Oush , MD) Listen to the discussion with the public and presentation on Oromia Tv in 2010 at the city of Bishoftu !( in Afaan Oromo). 1. Public response : Following the historical achievement at Bishoftu city of Oromia in 2014 .Irrecha , Oromo thanks giving is now the biggest festival in the continent of Africa and it is clearly recognized as the hidden treasure for tourism industry and peaceful co existence for the people of Oromia , Ethiopia and Africa . That is why I have been advocating for the institutional development of emergency medical care services as the two institutions is paramountly important : emergency medical care university of Bishoftu , Oromia east Africa and Oromia flying doctors . I hope this will transform health care , culture , economic life of people and social integration of the Horn of Africa . Follow the advocacy link and pages below with its contents . https://facebook/nure.adem.5/posts/714572815262894 Dear the people of Oromo and global citizens ! As an Oromo and a global citizen I have an innovative idea that I believe will transform the life of over 40 millions Oromo people world wide and create the room well disciplined and democratic partnership at a grass root level . My idea needs to reach the house of ever Oromo family and their local and global partner . I always believe in innovative ideas to support human activities and better life everywhere in world in collaborative and joint development and world order effort along with fellow human being and governmental institutions so That the challenge that affecting our world negatively will be solved with the input of global citizen . And the world will in today is much better and safer tomorrow for all of us . To that end , my innovative idea Target the Over 40 millions of Oromo people world wide so that the life of millions will be transformed to better future together with fellow brothers and sisters both in the horn of Africa and world wide . So that the immense potential of Oromo people will hold the right position both in Oromo land , Oromia State, Ethiopia and Everywhere in the world where the Oromo people live today. The idea is to establish United States of Oromia . What needs to be done is to establish Oromo Diaspora State which will work in democratic and disciplined World Orders as the State with The already established Oromia National Regional State in Ethiopia . So that local and international both governmental and non-governmental institutions will further recognize the newly established United States of Oromia and the world definitely will enjoy in return to have strong state to work with for better future of the people and the world . My name is Nure Adem Oush , MD and I suggested this solution which I personally believe it will contribute immensely for better future . If any of you want to work on this innovative idea at grass root level in democratic and disciplined world order . Let us vote on the idea and put the innovation into practice for better future and sustainable development . I encourage every Oromo people and family world wide to discuss about this topic of innovation . Share and like and I can be contacted through free2nfa@yahoo 1.https://facebook/nure.adem.5/posts/705668786153297:1 2.Dear the people of Oromo and the friends of Oromo! Imagination is the preview of lifes coming attractions . Albert Einstein My name is Nure Adem Oush , Medical doctor and I used the power of innovative imagination and rediscover the history of Oromo people of Africa and made relentless efforts to help the introduction process of the people of Oromo to the rest of the world . I am proud in creativing the following pages to address those imaginative innovations to the people of Oromo and the rest of the world . I do believe this will help to some extents in the area . Please I kindly invite millions of Oromo people and friends of Oromo around the world to like and promote the following pages in the campaign to bring better future for the people of Oromo and the rest of the world! 1.https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=547760762037474&id=348115022002050 2. https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=295447340661705&id=232417363631370 3. https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=666712146758448&id=590282781068052&substory_index=0 4.https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=436258006515107&id=412322782241963&substory_index=0 5.https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=942111272471913&id=843747578974950&substory_index=0 6.https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=629020290529500&id=550133955084801&substory_index=0 7.https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=369312276549231&id=309214902558969&substory_index=0 8.https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=926388494043521&id=862293863786318 9.https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=1489914861261247&id=1465315747054492&substory_index=0 10.https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=1482729178635057&id=1482348025339839 11.https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=376401562513127&id=307077349445549&substory_index=0 12.https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=331374370362060&id=319457098220454 13.https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=332298630264667&id=331740546987142 14.https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=332114063616457&id=331740546987142&substory_index=0 15.https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=573187282804711&id=571837519606354
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 09:22:40 +0000

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