Following the last post, this is the type of thing that should be - TopicsExpress


Following the last post, this is the type of thing that should be shared. Fearless, individual, talented people, who no matter what they do best have realized their dreams and have pushed themselves to the absolute limit to achieve them. Sharing shite because someone tells you to is pointless and gets you nowhere. Hard work, talent, focus, and a self-set goal is the only thing that will get you to where you want to be. I have much more respect for anyone who tries and fails than those who live through the chance of something happening to them by luck, or because some twat or FB page tells them it cant hurt because it may be true. IT ISNT TRUE! Pages and people who try to get you to do this are preying on your fears and insecurities. FB is now a massive marketing tool, and by like and share you are just promoting an individuals or companys page. The more hits they get, the more Zuckerbergs cronies will take notice, thus getting the page/person in question a degree of advertising revenue. Please continue to share things that you find interesting, educational, or entertaining, but seriously, use your common sense. If you see something that says luck will make you have some degree of good fortune if you share a picture, dont be a dick. See this shit for what it is. Rant over, and (if you cant ignore the irony) DO NOT SHARE THIS POST!!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 21:03:50 +0000

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