Following the scaling of the fence by certain members of the House - TopicsExpress


Following the scaling of the fence by certain members of the House of representatives due to the fact that they were locked out from entering into their legislative chambers to perform their constitutional duty..i have been reading updates and comments from fellow facebookers on the matter. Those men who took the bulls by the horn and decided to invoke their kungfu fence scaling skills have been called names which ranges from dishonourable to thugs to cultist and what have you. As much as i love to agree that such acts is shameful and degrading to say the least i am also of the opinion that it was borne out of necessity. Like chinua achebe once wrote when a man come to your house and defeacate in your sitting room you do not just sit down and look the other way, you get a stick and break his head Firstly, what right does the police has to lock the gate against honourable legislators from performing their constitutional duty. This is is an assault on the rule of is an outright disregard for democracy upon which our nation is is an act of truncating on the constitution that governs us as a nation. There are three arms of goverment. And the constitution clearly provided for separation of power. The police is a branch of the executive arm, what right does the executive arm have to interfere in such manner in the activity of the legislative arm..i think it will be sentimental and stupid for anyone to say such derogatory action from the police is not in anyway linked to some powers from above. If we keep sitting around and allow this people violate our constitutional right as it pleases them, then we are of most men to be pitied. So forgive me if i dont consider shameful the act of the legislators scaling the fence to get into the legislative chambers. No, ..bravo to that. What in my opinion is shameful is the impunity with which the present administration has shreded the fabric of our hard earned democracy. What is shameful is the fact that the police has arrogated to itself powers which it does not have and implemented such powers without respect for the sanctity of the nation. What is shameful is the fact that we have all gotten use to our constitutional rights been violated that we will rather make mockery of the victims than attack the perpetrators. Am sorry my friends, this dance of shame can only continue for so long...Not until Nigerians decide enough is enough, things will only get worse.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 06:42:34 +0000

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