Fond Family Memories Almost all of my earliest childhood - TopicsExpress


Fond Family Memories Almost all of my earliest childhood memories happened in my early childhood. During that time, I was quite young. The only early childhood memories that I cannot remember are the ones that have slipped my mind. In recounting all those childhood memories, I have come up with a different count that the last time. This tells me that I am either forgetting more or remembering more. I cannot remember which, since I have forgotten so much more since I attained the age of forgetfulness and lost memory. On the bright side, I remember much more about me than anyone else does. Often I ask someone if they remember when I used to do something or say something, and they look at me as if I am crazy, but they say no. So, I can remember more about me that others do. I forgot more about me in the last twenty years than anyone else has also. It is amazing how that works. I categorize the importance of remembering the things I want to remember by putting them into some kind of system of categorization. The most important things need the least amount of remembering so I usually forget them and remember things like what year I saw a certain movie. I keep my memory sharp by forgetting something and bringing it back several times and doing that over and over. That is a strong exercise for the brain. My earliest memory of my family life is one of pure amazement. People from all over the neighborhood came to look at me because they could not believe that I was so cute and had such unusual feet. I remember one lady gasping in utter surprise and saying, “How can this happen to such a happy and healthy child?” I felt so important and my mother and father always acted with humility when people appeared so interested in me. My parents kept me bundled up to keep me comfortable, even when it was 90 degrees outside. They were so loving and thoughtful toward me. As I grew I began to wonder why they were so attentive to me and not my brothers and sisters. People always made so much over me and only talked to my siblings to give me a break. I never wanted all the attention, but it never failed. When we went to town, people would stop and stare at me with their eyes about to pop out of their heads. It was as if they were waiting for something exciting to happen. Those were my first memories. I used to try to mimic my father because I adored and almost worshiped him. Anything he did was fine with me. He was a big, heavy man and I became a big heavy kid. My mother was a workaholic who stayed in the yard as much as possible to make her yard as perfect as could be. I became a big heavy kid. When my dad had to whip me, I would always thank him for it. Then I would mimic him and go out and whip the crap out of my little brother. My dad could not do anything wrong. Once he found a snake in the yard and told me to hold it while he went to get something to kill it with. I handed it to my baby sister and told here to hold it until I found something to kill it with. Just as a side note, we got her to the doctor in time so that she did not miss dinner that night. My dad spanked me for that and said that she could have been killed, and I said ok. I immediately went to the neighbor’s house and beat their oldest child with the same type tree limb that my dad beat me with. Since I was not as strong as my father, I had to beat the kid twice as many times. My mother, bless her heart, always kept us fed and in good clothes. She was so good at finding our sizes on the different clothes lines around town. She would put us out in front of a house with clothes on the line and threaten to leave us there. When we cried and made a huge commotion, she would very efficiently make her way to the back of the house and go shopping at the line. She never gathered anything that we could not use, unless it was really nice and she could cut it to make it fit. Many times, my father told his friends how much she helped with the cost of raising six children. I never understood that since there were only four of us kids at home. My dad was the hardest to fit. He was so big that clothes were hard to find for him. But, my mother searched exhaustedly to find them, yet he still had to wear the same clothes several days at a time. My dad smoked and one day I decided that I would try it myself. I found a cigarette and lighter in the drawer that I was never to go in and lit her up. It was a trick cigarette that my dad had planted just for me to find one day and when I woke up, I had no eyebrows, no eyelashes, and my hair had receded back about three inches. I knew I was going to get spanked for that, so I padded my pants with towels. When dad saw me, he got so tickled that he missed my butt and wore my back out and I promised to never smoke again. When he finished, he lit a cigarette and we smoked it together and in less than twenty minutes I was so hungry that it made me laugh. I looked in the mirror and saw my face and got o tickled that mom and dad peed their clothes. I wound up taking my dad’s flamethrower and burning my brother’s eyebrows out too. My brothers and sisters were jealous of me. Like I said, mom and dad always paid more attention to me, especially when company came over. On the hottest days, they were allowed to go in their bare feet, but I was the little gentleman and always had to wear shoes and socks. I was always so proud of that, but never threw it up in the other’s faces. I always had to be on the lookout though, because they were always trying to double-team me and get back at me. Once they tied me in sheets on the bed and the only thing that I was able to move was my feet. My sister is a very sickly child and we never know when she will have an attack with her stomach. She had an episode just as I was able to get my feet from under the sheet and had to release her hold on it. My brothers began to cry for her and that gave me the chance to get away. They were so funny sitting there, crying and gagging. What a wimpy group of kids! I was so glad to be like my dad. A long time ago, lunch at school was a quarter a day. We often had to carry our lunch to school because our dad could not afford to give us lunch money every week. It did not matter that much. My older brother and I did odd jobs around town and usually had money for lunches. We made weekly visits to the five and dime and would usually leave with enough candy to sell at school and earn money for lunch. Once, when it was my brother’s turn to make a scene, he forgot where he was and walked out of the store and left me there with my pockets full. The storeowner caught me and made me put the candy back and told my dad. After he whipped me. He said to my brother, “Don’t ever leave our brother in a situation like that again. Neither of you brought me a piece of candy back here. He tore my brother’s butt up. We were not allowed to go back to that store, but my dad was not worried. There were many other stores in town that sold candy. We saved him a lot of lunch money and mom did not have to pack lunches for us that often. We were such a happy family.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 17:49:28 +0000

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