Food For Thought.......... Are any of you old enough to remember - TopicsExpress


Food For Thought.......... Are any of you old enough to remember the old song “I’m my Own Grampa”? It was a funny little diddy of how he ended up being related to himself. Here’s something to think about !! This will Probably Make your Brain hurt, It did Mine !!! Lets start with who’s supporting Syrian President Assad….. Iran, Iraq and the Shite Militias. Who is opposing the Assad Regime, the Gulf States, the Rebels in Syria of whom a large portion are Sunni and We Are!! Who is supporting the Iraqi government which are primarily Shite, We Are! Who is supporting Iraq? The US and Iran is! Who is in Cooperation with Syria and the Assad regime? Historical Foes the Kurds and Turkey and Russia. Who is in Favor of Defeating ISIS (Independent Syria-Iraq States) Kurds Iran U.S. Iraq. (Russias over there laughing) (Remember when we took their Government Down over Afghanistan?) But wait isn’t ISIS part of the Sunni that are fighting in Syria of whom we are helping there but ISIS is fighting the Shite in Iraq? We are cooperating with Iran who is helping Assad and is a sworn enemy of ours and Israel ? We are supporting the Rebels in Syria even as they kill our boys in Iraq. Turkey is our Ally and they are helping Assad in Syria who is our enemy. The Gulf States are for containing Iran same as we are. But yet they are helping Assad also. Seems to me we are helping Our Own Enemy Fight us the United States, and we are doing it in every direction. Looks like to me we need to decide who our friends are and get the Hell out of Dodge. By the Way Russia is now supplying Jets to Iraq, Russia supports our enemy President Assad of Syria also Maybe we are our own Grandpa’s, or at least led by them, the fools in Congress and the White House. Do Not Blame all this on Our President, Congress is just as complicit as he is and very much just as responsible or even more so than Him !!! ATTT as I see it, or at least am partially understanding things!! WAIDS..... figure that one out= We Are in Deep **** !!!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 17:22:58 +0000

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