Food Source of the Day!! Have you ever done a controlled burn - TopicsExpress


Food Source of the Day!! Have you ever done a controlled burn on your property? A few years ago we conducted one on our property. Our land had been logged a few years before we decided to do this and there was a lot of brush and limbs laying everywhere, which was stunting any new growth from occurring. We checked the wind and started on one side of our property. We had a slight wind that was holding steady. As the fire moved across our property we lit a second fire on the other side of the property that was more easily controlled and once the fire that was moving quickly approached the strip we had already burned it burnt out. The burn went exactly as we had planned. As I made my way back to the property two weeks later I noticed how the green grass had started to peek out of the ash and how much better I could see across the land. We had knocked out most fo the tall weeds and most of the limbs that were lying around. We had definitely improved the property the new growth was a a beautiful sight to see. In our lives God is that fire that sweeps across the land. Our lives are filled with things that makes us stumble and cluttered to the point that we cant move forward at times. Once we give our lives to him we then allow him to remove things in our lives that have hindered us in the past. Once those things are removed a new growth in us is allowed to begin. The new growth is fresh and visible to those around us. It brings joy and an indication of new life. If you havent allowed God to do a controlled burn in you then today is the day. Turn your life over to him and watch in awe of what God can do. He can turn something ugly and dangerous into something beautiful and a blessing to others. Make that decision today and find someone to talk to about a new life or send us a message. We would be glad to help you. Have a blessed day!!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 11:37:26 +0000

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