Food for thought - numbers that make the Old Testament a - TopicsExpress


Food for thought - numbers that make the Old Testament a farce. One reason numbers are not in the bible is dates allow reasonable humans to filter out BS. For example, in Genesis God declared that man would live 120 years, so Moses, the great leader lived 120 years, but his story spans 400 years of Egyptian History. Then bible writers go on a tangent and allow lesser men than Moses to live 6-900 years. The Ark was supposedly 420 cubits which measures from the elbow to fingertips and in my case is say 18 inches, so the Ark was maybe 210 yards. Now on the boat, for over a month was two of every species, including carnivorous animals, their prey and a lot of lion shit, tiger shit bear shit and bull shit, but believers keep trying to prove it was true. The Noah Story is a replication of a much older Poem: Epic of Gilgamesh! Lets talk about rivers running red a not uncommon occurence in Africa, so ancients wrote the story of Het-Heru, thousands of years before the Old Testament Writers Plagiarized it. The most recent occurrence was Lake Nios, Cameroon, Africa August 1, 1986. In Ancient Africa the eldest son slept closest to the floor as part of ritual, so the ground level toxic fog would have killed the eldest. In Cameroon the ground level fog left blisters on cows, sound familiar? When I wrote these possibilities in my book: Religion vs God in 2007, black women became my most ardent adversaries. When I wrote that the first upright human was Lucy a female on a hillside in Ethiopia, black females became enraged. When I told the African story of Osiris, Isis and Horus, with a black female at the center of the trinity, black women told me I was going straight to hell. I decided not to tell them that new testament Melchilzedek was base on Mut, the womb of heaven in African who gave birth to all, but was born of none. Mut was center of the trinity Khonsu (the sun god) Mut (womb of heaven) Amen (the sun god). Black women will never know their goddess side if the continue accepting middle eastern mythology. The goddess Maat was 25,000 years before masculine nonsense started with Abraham-Abrahm-a Brahmans story. Imagine what black females said when I told them the universe is feminine; in every galaxy there is a comparable sized black hole which takes energy in massive amounts and spews the quasar, which is the essence of life? I told them this has been happening for billions of years compared to a 6,000 year old story from the Tigris and Euphrates in Southeast Iraq? The last black female I dated, kicked me to the curb, because I told her there was no Jesus, or Nazareth until 325AD; there was no AD until 460 and we used the Julian Calendar, which is based on the beginning of Rome in the west.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 16:04:25 +0000

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