Food for thought! (Anti) biotic .(Pro)biotic! Now think about it. - TopicsExpress


Food for thought! (Anti) biotic .(Pro)biotic! Now think about it. Anti bacterial hand sanitizer . Viral hand sanitizer(soap and water).Keep yourself well during the upcoming seasons of Upper respiratory illness and Gastro intestinal viruses. We tend to see our communities become ill when schools return to session. And colder weather settles in. Why? We are in closer proximity to one another. The cold slows down airborne particles so we are more likely to inhale them in public places. The germs spread in a cone like shape so if your are beside someone you are more likely to be in the cone than directly in front or in back of them. Nothing replaces good hand washing. Please if you are symptomatic stay Home. Rest ,replenish and reduce exposure to others. Our Society promotes and boasts no sick days! Reality is take one more sick day and prevent the domino effect. Lessening the exposure to the infirmed ,frail or immune compromised.A majority of your immune system is present in your intestines .So taking good care to maintain adequate gut flora, healthy nutritional intake and stress reduction can help you survive our sick season. I recommend a good probiotic. Your local healthy grocery stores or health providers can direct you to a good product .YOGA is an excellent addition to your wellness tool box. Yoga reduces stress ,creates a balance in the body with breath work and asanas.Establish a healthy practice of yin and yang yoga to keep your immune system proactive. During times or symptomatic illness practice a more yin style of yoga, easily done at home or in a studio with a private session. I am a registered Yoga teacher and Registered Nurse. This is my weekly health tip for all! Namaste!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 01:30:50 +0000

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