Food for thought... Every time a musician picks up his or her - TopicsExpress


Food for thought... Every time a musician picks up his or her chosen instrument and hits a key or strums a note they are instantly plagiarizing somebody that came before them.Every person who chooses to make music is guilty of this at some point wether it be accidentally or by conscience choice.Unless you are one of the godfathers and creators of modern music and how we write,read and play notes you are a plagiarizer (not to say this is a bad thing).A musician takes something (a key,chord or note) that somebody else created/invented and plays it on his or her chosen instrument stringing multiple selections together in the hope that what they make can be deemed as an original piece.Production of a hip hop beat is no different.Small pieces,parts notes keys what ever are sampled onto a sampler then chopped,pitched and stretched among other things and then strung together to compose an original sounding piece of music (usually sounding nothing at all like the original).If this makes a producer a thief then so is every musician thats ever played a note.The didnt invent or create these notes theyre just manipulating them as they see fit using tempo and chord changes etc.Doing whats already been done before but just in a different way is the nature of music.The idea that a musician has custody or entire ownership of individual notes and sounds is a ridiculous notion and quite frankly hypocrisy..(keep in mind im not talking about full remixes of tracks here just sampling which are two completely different things).So to my beautiful people who are lucky enough to have been trained on a classical instrument and are skilled enough to play it,I say enough of the double standards and mud flinging its not our fault us hip-hoppers have found a way to shine so hard,its simply just musical evolution. Peace.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 04:08:02 +0000

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