Food for thought……… •What is FEAR?? • It is - TopicsExpress


Food for thought……… •What is FEAR?? • It is terror, a feeling of agitation, anxiety caused by present or imminent danger, or to be afraid(filled with fear; frighten). It is an unpleasant (which means it is not joyous—there is no joy in it) strong emotion caused by expectation (something that you are expecting to happen that has not happened yet) or awareness (just being aware of danger or crime that’s going on around perhaps in neighborhoods) of danger or anxious (worried, eagerly wishing) concern. •DO NOT LET FEAR BE MOTIVATION FOR DOING WHAT YOU DO!!!!! KNOW WHAT FEAR BRINGS WITH IT….(torment) •Fear is based on the past, FAITH is now. •Fear is the root of the matter however, fear can show up in your life in many different forms. Forms of fear: An Inferior attitude- Having an attitude where you think you are of lesser quality (nature or degree of excellence); of little importance, value, or merit. Panic – Groundless fear (meaning having no foundation, groundless, baseless, invalid), anxiety, fright. Nervous – Despite what people have been taught in school, on their jobs, or just by the world period, nervousness is a form of fear which is not of God. It means to be jumpy, spooky, troubled, concerned, worried, bothered. Anxiety - Painful uneasiness of mind (this is a troubled mind that is accompanied by actual pain), nervousness, worry, stress, strain (excessive tension), apprehensive (viewing the future with anxiety). Anger (what are you really afraid of?), Insecurity (what are you insecure about, what are you fearing?), Worry (what are you troubled by that’s got you bound by fear?), Competitive, and Jealous are all forms of fear. •Now the world would have you to believe that all these things are ok but the truth of the matter is that they are all forms of fear. •Fear is of the devil. •Fear is not of God, because God’s word (which can not lie) tells us this (when people take the time to read it--King James Version Bible) (KING JAMES BIBLE) 2TIMOTHY 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and a sound mind.” •Fear is not of God. Fear hath torment, and torment is not of God. ST. JOHN 10:28 “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” •We are not to fear man (flesh). A lot of times we walk around fearing others and for what????? We sometimes allow ourselves to be intimidated or feel threaten by what others say, how they act, or even what they do. God made man, so why would you fear the creation and not the Creator???? 1 JOHN 4:4 “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” Ref: 1 john 5:4 “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” •When you are walking by faith, you have no fear. Now why is this, because ROMANS 1:17 talks about the just shall live by faith. We know that in HEBREWS 11:6 talks about, without faith it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. When you walk in fear you are crippling yourself. You remain in bondage, because you limit yourself….your life…..your success. Yes fear is a spirit, but this fear spirit (because fear hath torment) begins to attack your mind…your way of thinking, and if you are not transformed by the renewing of your mind, from being in the word of God (ROMANS 12:1-3), you will crumble. In order to overcome fear, you first got to renew your mind in the word of God. Once you have this word in you, believing his word, begin to speak God’s word into your life, upon your situations, and watch what happens. I don’t care what you may be going through or what it looks like; continue believing and speaking God’s word. You will notice that as you believe and speak God’s word; notice how you will begin to stand on God’s word. Things will begin to change and /or come to pass in your life. So when fear comes upon you, give it the word of God and watch the salvation of the Lord step in. Remember God’s word is sharper than any two edge sword, so use it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch the word of God change, fix, heal, separate, move, intervene, and set free whatever you’re going through……. •So reflecting back on 2TIMOTHY1:7……. (God hath not given us the Spirit of fear….. but of Power…..) A child of God ((born again believer, saved individual that has repented (to have a change of thought, turn from) of their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior)) that has the greater one dwelling within him/her, must realize just what they have….. Spirit : We were made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). God is spirit (ST John 4:24), so we were made spirit after God. Now in II Timothy 1:7, God is speaking on his spirit, which is the Holy Ghost. Look at this closely, God did not give us (his saints) a spirit that is fearful, frighten, nervous, or of panic, inferior, or anxious, but God gave us (his saints) a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Spirit of Power: What do God mean when he says, he has given us (his saints) a spirit of Power? The Holy Ghost (which is God’s spirit that we were given freely by God when we were born again and filled with his precious Holy Ghost), is a spirit of power. -Ref: ST John 15:26 (King James Version Bible) This talks about the Holy Ghost being a Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, and Shall testify of Jesus. Comfort – Means the act or an instance of consoling, freedom from pain, trouble, or anxiety, or encouragement. -Ref: ST John 16:7-15 This scripture talks about the Holy Ghost 1st Reproving the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judement (convicting the world where sin is concerned, convicting their hearts of sin, convicting the saints of God in regard to righteousness, in other words-when a saint ((someone that is born again or repented (turned from their sins or changed their way of thinking) and accepted Christ as their Savior and were baptized in Jesus name)) of God sin the Holy Ghost convicts our hearts in righteousness showing us that we are the righteousness of God and we are not suppose to behave that way, and of judgment because remember satan has already been judged and punished to the pits of hell, satan has no power (ST Juke 10:19-20) and cannot destroy you, that is why he can only attack in your life by interfering in your mind-set. Remember satan suggested a thought to Eve in the garden (Genesis 3:1-5) however, it was Eve who transgressed against her husband and Adam (her husband) who sinned against God (because God gave the commandment to the head of the house which was Adam and Adam made sure his house knew of the commandment and Eve displayed this when she said what she said to satan in Genesis 3:1-24), 2nd Guide you into all truth, 3rd Speak whatever he hears (so whatever the Holy Ghost hears from God is what he speaks to you (saints)), and 4th Show you things to come. So we do not have to be afraid when we hear of what is happening or going to happen in the world, because the Holy Ghost will show us things to come. Spirit of Love: The Holy Ghost is God’s spirit, (I John 4:8) this scripture is talking about God is love. So God which is spirit, made us in his image, when we got born again, our spirit became one with God (I Corinthians 6:17), Jesus sent us the Holy Ghost (ST John 15:26). Since God is love, his spirit is love then. God = his spirit, which = love. Ref: (I John 4:7-21) (I John 4:18) this talks about there is no fear in Love. Perfect (flawless) love casteth out fear. There is no fear in Love and since God is love, there is no fear (concerning fear stated at the beginning of this flyer and the different forms of fear) in God. God which is love, is perfect love. If you say you got God, than you have Love and God which is Perfect Love, will cast out fear. Spirit of Sound Mind: Did you know that sound mind means self-discipline, or peace of mind or a mind free from fear or a mind-set that lines up with the word of God. Jesus is Peace. We have peace in Jesus. ST John 14:27 and ST John 16:33 When we have a mind-set that lines up with the Word of God, then we have Peace, but when you have a mind-set that lines up with the world’s way of thinking or a carnal mind-set, then you have tribulation = trouble=fear. This is the spirit of power that God gave you, because your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost (ROMANS 6:19, “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own.”) Which is God’s spirit dwelling in you? If you have God’s spirit dwelling on the inside, you have power, by his spirit. (ST. LUKE 10:19, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”) Through God’s spirit you have power over all the power over the devil (ST Luke 10:19). Greater is the spirit of God that dwells on the inside of you, than the devil going to and fro in the world seeking whom he may devour. WOW….look at JESUS….. Again we are talking about the spirit of God. So through God’s spirit, not only do you have power over all the power of the enemy, but you have a spirit of love. (I JOHN 4:8, “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” God is love that is why you are able to love your neighbor as yourself. Through God you can forgive (truly forgive) and love your enemies, love those who talk about you, lie on you, mistreat you, hurt you, abuse you, and use you. God said in ROMANS 12:19 that vengeance is his. We are to pray for one another and provoke one another to love. ROMANS 12:1-3 talks about being transformed by the renewing of your mind. In order for you to do this, you first got to get into God’s word and learn of him. Read and see what his will is and what his will is for your life. ST. JOHN 16:33, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but he of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” So in Jesus you have peace, which brings us back to fear (which hath torment) is not of God. God tells you in his word what he gave you a spirit of. (2 CORITHIANS 3:17, “Now the Lord is that Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” Because you are in Christ, you are free from fear. Keep in mind, to be present with the Lord (being a hearer and doer of his word or being in his presence) and absent from sin (living a life that consist of anything outside the word of God)……………………………….. HOW TO RECOGNIZE FEAR: • Understand where it comes from. •Realize it is an emotional attack. •You cannot do anything in the kingdom of darkness, which comes by fear and that works by selfishness. HOW TO GET OUT OF FEAR: •Get in Love which =God I John 4:18 •Understand that most fear comes from not knowing whats going to happen (It is essential or very very important that you(saints) trust the Holy Ghost to reveal to you whats to come) •Fear comes from feeling powerless over the future (your future is in your seed (the Word of God). So sow the Word of God in your life (Joshua 1:8) there is a solution to every problem that you saint or not will ever face in your life, and it is in the Word of God, but you have got to stop being lazy and READ READ READ READ READ. A lot of people do not ever see change in their lives because they won’t pick up the Word of God and read, study it, let it marinate in them and then obey it!!!!!!!! •Live by FAITH. Hear God’s Word, and receive God’s FAITH. It is the Word of God that sets you FREE…….. so get in it!!!!!!! THE TIME IS NOW, NOT TOMORROW, FOR TOMORROW IS NOT PROMISED (ST Matthew 6:21-34), SO THE TIME IS NOW, if you want change then get in the Word of God and observe or see what he will have you to do and do it!!!!!! JESUS IS LORD………………………….. Jesus loves you more than you know………… JESUS The Living Word!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 01:34:01 +0000

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