Food for thought animalrightsmovement I want you to visualize - TopicsExpress


Food for thought animalrightsmovement I want you to visualize yourself sitting at a large dinner table, surrounded by relatives, saying a prayer or giving thanks for whatever it is you are thankful for. You are surrounded by the delicious smell of fall foods...pumpkin pie, cranberries, mashed potatoes, stuffing, yams...and the main course. In the center of the table lies a large metal platter with a small body atop it. As you examine the body, you notice that this isnt turkey at all. In fact, this animal is a cat. Would you still dig the fork into it? What if it smelled just like turkey? Let me explain. If youd readily eat a turkey but would burst into outrage at the sight of a cooked cat, this is something you need to hear. Turkeys are actually much more similar to our feline friends than we may think they are. Turkeys, just like cats, love nothing more than a nice lap to snuggle up in on a cold day. Just like your cat probably does, a turkey will bask in a warm sunbeam for hours on end. These incredible birds also enjoy stalking bugs, rodents, and anything that moves through the grass. Theyre very accurate when it comes to catching bugs. Turkeys are also extremely curious and love to explore the outdoors. Sound familiar? Lastly, when a turkey is content, she will make a purring noise nearly identical to that of a happy cat. Thats some brain food for you. Think about it this Thanksgiving and consider a vegan alternative to turkey instead!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 20:43:36 +0000

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