Food for thought.... discussion welcomed..... So let us get - TopicsExpress


Food for thought.... discussion welcomed..... So let us get this right … Scott Morrisons sipping champagne with a murderous Asian dictator while references to the United Nations refugee convention will be removed from the Australias Migration Act, ASIO officers now have immunity from prosecution for doing anything, journalists can now be jailed for reporting on pretty much anything the govt. decides, the PM is demonising young Australians for not getting jobs that arent there while cutting public broadcasting and therefore scrutiny, were off to Iraq again (because the last go round was such a huge success), fear against the other (read Muslims) is being ratcheted up and exploited for political advantage, the opposition seems to have gone home, we dont care that much about Africans or Ebola (8 million bucks but no medical professionals that they are crying out for), we may end up helping bomb Syria, which currently has half its population (9 million) looking for somewhere else to live in a hurry, and we cant remember the last news bulletin we heard without the word terror or terrorism in it. Were not afraid of the other, or Muslims, or Islam, or refugees...what we are afraid of is this government, and how it seemingly successfully blames and vilifies victims and the powerless for political gain, while stripping us all of the few legal rights we possess as they dismantle any oversight of their own actions. You could be forgiven for thinking this was the beginning of a Police State. You can already hear doublespeak...our loss of rights have strong safeguards. Orwellian indeed...
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 04:15:29 +0000

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