Food for thought in a hungry starving world: AND the Lord said - TopicsExpress


Food for thought in a hungry starving world: AND the Lord said unto Joshua Fear them not: for I have delivered them into your hand; there shall not a man of them stand before you )Josh. 10:8). The words fear them not, the keynote of Joshuas life and ministry, as of the keynote of every soldier of GOD. Gibeon had made peace with Joshua, although under somewhat devious circumstances. But yet Joshua was bound tto defend them. When anyone makes peace with the Divine Joshua, he brings upon himself the anger of those who had once been his friends and companions thus it was with Gibeon. Five kings formed a confederation against Gibeon, not understanding, I suppose, that Joshua would come to their rescue. But to their help he would go; he would, in fact, win a tremendous victory, because the Lord had given him instructions. Not only did the Lord use Joshua and his army, giving them superhuman strength, but, the Lord cast down great stones from Heaven upon them (Josh. 10:11). These were hailstones, which wreaked havoc among the enemy. But the greatest miracle was yet to come! The day was far spent, and the victory had not yet been won. Joshua asked the Lord for one of the greatest miracles that had ever been performed, and that was for the Earth to stop in its rotation. He said, Sun is to be understood as sunlight, as in many other Passages in the Bible. Stand still should be translated remain; midst means the half of, that is, the horizon, for so they spoke in those days. The hill of Gibeon at the moment when Joshua spoke was behind him to the east, and the sun was setting in front of him to the west. It was evening and a continuance of the daylight was needed in order to complete the victory. What Joshua said may, therefore, be thus expressed in modern English: Sun, keep shining upon Gibeon, and thou, Moon, in the vallley of Ajalon! And the sunlight remained and the moonlight continued, until the people of God had avenged themselves on their enemies. God is a miracle-workimg God; He will do the same presently for all who believe Him! Wow, how the enemies of Israel must have thought, that they were able to stop the sun from setting, not knowiing our Lord and Saviour, there is nothing that is impossible for the maker of the universe. What an awesome God we serve........... Thank you Jesus, for saving your sons and daughers who truely seek and serve you.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 14:18:04 +0000

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